OT: Administration wages war on pornography


Imported Killer


Here is what Tad's hero is up to. I'm really glad I have the government to make decisions for me, as I can't make them myself.


If this image works, you'll see a man whose job it is to look for porn on the net.
Fucking thought police, this is why I refuse to vote for Bush. Didnt the Democrats used to do this shit and the whole Repulican thing was "less government"? Spending millions of dollars to investigate that, isnt there something better we could be doing with our tax dollars such as capturing Osama? That sounds like a better option than worrying about what Jonny Strokesalot is doing in front of his computer or VCR in the privacy of his own home. Which brings me back to this, http://www.stopfcc.com/?PHPSESSID=a2debcb6adaf9d71f68b9e3b6253116a sign that mofo!!!
There's virtually no difference between Democrats and Republicans. in fact the only difference I've ever noted is that old people vote Republican, young vote Democrat.

They trade off on who's going to be the thought nazis every couple of years, who's going to raise taxes, who's going to befriend the blacks. It's all pointless. Time for a second party.
jdelpi said:
I'm really glad I have the government to make decisions for me, as I can't make them myself.

These guys always claim they don't care what you do, but then again they've never had a chance and never will have a chance of taking control. Sucks.

And with that, I'm done. I'd rather play City Of Heroes than worry about...stuff.
True, but Bush has took this shit to a whole new level and with four more years of this "Moral Majority" bullshit who knows where we'll be. Im looking forward to June 30th too, when we are gonna pull out of Iraq. Lets see, we werent going to be an occupying force, we are. We went to war due to the presence of the immortal WMDs, havent found any. When we ran out of justifiable reasons for our governments actions, we went to liberate the good people of Iraq, what about the good people of China, Saudi Arabia, North Korea and other brutal regimes around the world? Are we going to free all of them too? This war has been one farce after another and Id bet the fucking farm that we arent out of there by June 30th. Funny thing is, me and my wife were talking about this tonight, we were both 110% behind this farce at one time. I guess the "Liberal Media" changed our mind on that. Good thing I watch alot of Fox News, bunch of "Liberals".
SlappyWhitey said:
True, but Bush has took this shit to a whole new level and with four more years of this "Moral Majority" bullshit who knows where we'll be. Im looking forward to June 30th too, when we are gonna pull out of Iraq. Lets see, we werent going to be an occupying force, we are. We went to war due to the presence of the immortal WMDs, havent found any. When we ran out of justifiable reasons for our governments actions, we went to liberate the good people of Iraq, what about the good people of China, Saudi Arabia, North Korea and other brutal regimes around the world? Are we going to free all of them too? This war has been one farce after another and Id bet the fucking farm that we arent out of there by June 30th. Funny thing is, me and my wife were talking about this tonight, we were both 110% behind this farce at one time. I guess the "Liberal Media" changed our mind on that. Good thing I watch alot of Fox News, bunch of "Liberals".
i signed the FCC petition. Thanks. The libertarians used to be more in line with Republicans--less governement and lots of freedom, but people like GW have thrown their views out. Bush likes to spend and he likes to push the moral agenda of the extreme far right on us. Fuck that!! Don't get me werong there are idiot Democrats like Lieberman and Al GOre's wife that were all about censorship and crap like that too, but right now, the Dems are far less offensive to my freedom than this administration. I see it as extremely important to our freedom to help get rid of these guys in November.

And what a waste on this pornography thing!!!!!! It's out there everywhere--not just the U.S. Tough shit, deal with it. I HATE it when people tell other people what to say, what to listen to, what to watch. Is this Afghanistan or what???????????
I'm so glad that my deviant sexual behavior i.e. looking at porn w/ my woman or by myself is now the worlds greatest threat. Imagine the uproar had the twin towers been knocked down by someone shooting a load against them, whilste looking at 'Big Butts' magazine.

What a goddamn waste of time and money.
Which brings me to this.........So now im starting up a posse..........to fight for freedom of choice...to fight for freedom of speech...were gonna make you hear our voice......you fuckin whores, thats all you are. Damn, that's a good song.
SHIT,FUCK,SATAN,DEATH,SEX,DRUGS,RAPE! These seven words they're trying to take!
SHIT,FUCK,SATAN,DEATH,SEX,DRUGS,RAPE! Right or wrong it's our choice to make!
America the beautiful, land of the free...but don't change the words to "The land of hypocrisy!"

We NEED to start up a posse.
Vote Libertarian! Card carrying member since 1992. The other 2 parties are practically the same. If you think it's bad now with Bush in there, just wait if Kerry gets in there!

Voting for option 2 because you don't like option 1 makes no sense.

It's a fact: Republicans are better at economic and security issues. That's why old people vote for them. That's what matters to them.

Democrats are better when it comes to civil liberty issues. That's why young people vote for them. That's what matters to them.

Chew on this... Democrats know poorer people vote for them. Why would they want LESS poor people? They don't! If they can get more people on social programs, they'll get more votes!

Libertarian is the only answer to this mess. Yes it may be far away, but if we don't start now, it'll never happen.

Ask yourself this:
Do you want to be safe and wealthy with restricted liberties? Vote Republican.

Do you want to be free to live your lifestyle but be broke and in fear? Vote Democrat.

If you want both. Vote Libertarian!
Good thoughts CaptUSA! Now somebody give old George a line and a hooker.

Larry Flynt for President. :D

Anyway the two parties in power can kiss my ass.

George is pissing me off with this. First a crack on gays now this. And if I put a liberal in the US is fucked. :Spin:
CaptUSA said:
Vote Libertarian! Card carrying member since 1992. The other 2 parties are practically the same. If you think it's bad now with Bush in there, just wait if Kerry gets in there!

Voting for option 2 because you don't like option 1 makes no sense.

It's a fact: Republicans are better at economic and security issues. That's why old people vote for them. That's what matters to them.

Democrats are better when it comes to civil liberty issues. That's why young people vote for them. That's what matters to them.

Chew on this... Democrats know poorer people vote for them. Why would they want LESS poor people? They don't! If they can get more people on social programs, they'll get more votes!

Libertarian is the only answer to this mess. Yes it may be far away, but if we don't start now, it'll never happen.

Ask yourself this:
Do you want to be safe and wealthy with restricted liberties? Vote Republican.

Do you want to be free to live your lifestyle but be broke and in fear? Vote Democrat.

If you want both. Vote Libertarian!
I disagree with you on Kerry and Bush. Bush is far worse--I think freedom comes first. "Restricted liberties" is not the United States we know and love. It cannot ever get to that!!!! Presidents have a lot more affect on freedoms or at least this one seems to think he does than they do on the economy. Presidents get way too much credit for good economy and way too much flak for bad economy. Most of it's B.S. There are so many more important factors for the economy than the President. ANyways, I believe in stagnation: Democratic President, Republican House, Democratic Senate, etc. Some type of combination works best for the country in my opinion--at least since the parties have become so split. I wish it was that easy to vote libertarian. I cannot in this election, in good conscience, throw my vote away. If Republicans had not gone so far away from the libertarians and so far towards extremist religion, they'd be a lot easier for me to vote for.

Overall, polticians suck. I hope my kids never go that route. They'd probably have to be corrupted at some point and I'd hate that!!!
I can't believe I used different variations of the word clown in back to back sentences. I must be slipping in my old age.
jdelpi said:
I was a card-carrying Libertarian for one year. I started the College Libertarians on campus as well, but I got bored with that quickly. I'm going to go read The Fountainhead now and fall asleep.
Is this from the same guy that said this in the post about the idiot in Spain ....."If this happened in America, morons would be claiming his civil rights were violated. The ACLU (American Communist Lawyers Union) and Amnesty International would appear on talk shows defending him. Good for Spain.".........The ACLU and the Libertarian party walk hand in hand on alot of issues, do they not?