OT: Administration wages war on pornography

I don't know when Liberal and conservative became a bad and good word? In the dictionary definition, I would take "liberal" any day over "conservative", Personally, I hate the way both of these parties have divided up the issues over the last 25 years. Here, you take abortion, we'll take guns, etc. It's really f'ing annoying.
Here you take abortion, well take guns...thats some funny shit. I bet gay rights was like the kid that got picked last in gym.
SlappyWhitey said:
Here you take abortion, well take guns...thats some funny shit. I bet gay rights was like the kid that got picked last in gym.
No, that's funny shit!! :D

It just seems that way to me. This division of issues is irritating. I am in the middle on most issues, extreme left on some, pretty far right on others. I am very pro-gun, anti-censorhip, pro-choice in most cases, against certain welfare policies, pro-environment, 100% for seperation of church and state, etc. I don't identify entirely with either party, but it's like you are supposed to support everything these guys are into???? No way.

In this thread though---I can tell you I am 100% for personal freedoms!!!!!!!!!!!
listen, if we all decide not to vote this year, then no-one gets elected. Just find something else to do so these asshole candidate's realize that no one wants them and that it's time for a change.
Vote George "The Animal" Steele president, Mine will be his VP and America will once again be the greatest country in the history of countries.

Too bad Miss Liz can't be his First Lady.
Ragamuffin said:
Vote George "The Animal" Steele president, Mine will be his VP and America will once again be the greatest country in the history of countries.

Too bad Miss Liz can't be his First Lady.
Where the hell did you come up with George the Animal Steele? That is hilarious :lol: I haven't heard of him in years. How about Adrienne Adonis? "One day i woke up and I felt like a flower" :lol: :tickled:
CaptUSA said:
It's easy to understand the way people in the middle east feel. After all they went to schools that indoctrinated them into that line of thinking. It would take someone with a great open mind and intellect to overcome that kind of indoctrination.

Unfortunately, we have the same thing here. Our government (public) schools are run by teachers that have to be members of the liberal teachers union. Our press vote's liberal over 80% of the time. MTV is ridiculous! NO wonder kids grow up and never seem to be able to over-come this wrong thinking. They latch onto anything the media says to support their own beliefs no matter how insignificant. PDB... :err:

I know it's hard but you have to be able to stop believing that dem's line. I'm not saying you must belive the rep's line either, but use some sense.

"finish daddy's business, PDB, big oil, easter bunny"
goddamn give it a rest,how come australia new zealand america england for example all worked out ok,there were wars and all that shit,lets face it the middle east want to live in the dark ages,they are fucked in the heard full stop!!!