OT; anti-occupy law passing - any comments?


Croatian Panzer division
Apr 9, 2004
Split, Croatia, Europe

I know this board is not pro-politics discussion, but I think this is a major and very worrying precedent...
Yeah, it was passed in USA and we don't all live there, but since USA is a major world player I consider this very worrying along with the usual weapon rattling and war mongering.

Whatever happened to "the land of the free"?!
What do you Americans think of this?
And guess what, one of the very few voting 'nay' is Ron Paul... Seems like a rare breed of a politician with integrity and guts.

If any of you mods consider this an inappropriate topic for this board please delete it and accept my apologies!
That law indeed scares me ... I think we are more and more becoming victims of corrupt governments, that are controlled by non scrupulous "legal mafia" groups.

I am a very anti-political minded person, I have no political knowledge like let's say Hawk, but the things happening in the world now make me want to go out and shout on the streets. I just feel something is going badly wrong.

But in the end I think (hope) this all will backfire hard into those who think they are in control. The masses aren't the stupid uneducated people any more as they were 100 years ago. Just wonder how reactions will be if by this law there will be a bunch of political prisoners in the western world ??
The people who participated in the Occupy movement already feel the government and wall street have too much power. Making a yet another law that prohibits freedom, especially aimed at practiced protesters, is just going to piss them off more. It could get really ugly... particularly in states like Montana, Idaho, Wyoming and Alaska where just about everyone carries a firearm on their person or in their vehicle.
I posted this on Facebook a few days ago:

"President Obama prolonged and extended the Patriot Act, expanded the war in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Yemen, killed Anwar al-Awlaki and his 16 year old son, enacted the NDAA and now will start to using drones above American cities. When is he going to get his next nobel prize? "

Seems I forgot this new 'law'.

And for those who wonder; no, this is not about being left or right, a liberal or a conservative. This is about limiting the power of the government to give out money to their connections and favored corporations and limiting liberties of the people.
And for those who wonder; no, this is not about being left or right, a liberal or a conservative. This is about limiting the power of the government to give out money to their connections and favored corporations and limiting liberties of the people.

From the article:

The new law would make it a felony—a serious criminal offense punishable by lengthy terms of incarceration—to participate in many forms of protest associated with the Occupy Wall Street protests of last year.

This law is abhorrent and goes completely against democracy, freedom of speech and having any semblance of being able to hold governments to account. While I have several issues with a protest basically turning into "let's camp downtown, void bylaws, and mess up traffic for 3 months," protesting is not a CRIMINAL offense! If it's peaceful and people are getting arrested, I would refer the government to my favourite political book.
The people who participated in the Occupy movement already feel the government and wall street have too much power. Making a yet another law that prohibits freedom, especially aimed at practiced protesters, is just going to piss them off more. It could get really ugly... particularly in states like Montana, Idaho, Wyoming and Alaska where just about everyone carries a firearm on their person or in their vehicle.

I'm afraid "pissing off people" is exactly what they're aiming at... The expected riots (or even better - gunshots) would serve as a perfect excuse to introduce harder political police control, effectively cutting more freedom from a citizen...
No doubt they'd send their people to incite the riots.

Masses are hard to control and easy to set afire and if they would get a grasp of Ghandi's passive resistance principles those in power would virtually be powerless - there's no justification in attacking someone just sitting or standing still and that's why Ghandi succeeded in what he was doing.
I am a very anti-political minded person, I have no political knowledge like let's say Hawk, but the things happening in the world now make me want to go out and shout on the streets.

Because you're a nice guy. This kind of stuff makes me pick up a gun and start shooting politicians.

USA born out of a revolution, maybe it's time for another one...actually a worldwide one will be better. War is hell and people shouldn't suppose to die that way, but I think the world does need an enema.

-------------End of rant-----------