OT: Argh! $3.49 GAS In Michigan!

What Drokk said!

An example: In Norway, you get paid maybe $20-22 an hour for most jobs. But at the same time a pack of cigarettes costs more than $10!

I only make about $15,000 a year, but still have to pay about 35% tax....
Miltbrand said:
What Drokk said!

An example: In Norway, you get paid maybe $20-22 an hour for most jobs. But at the same time a pack of cigarettes costs more than $10!

I only make about $15,000 a year, but still have to pay about 35% tax....

Just curioius: a) is your insurance covered in the taxes you pay and b) do you have "minimum wage" jobs like we have?
I am below the poverty level...only make less than $13,000 a year and for year to date I am nowhere near that mark. My hourly wage is $8.50/hr and about 30 or so hours per week. And even less hours in the winter months.

eighteeschick said:
Just curioius: a) is your insurance covered in the taxes you pay and b) do you have "minimum wage" jobs like we have?

I guess you mean medical insurance? Yeah, it´s covered.
The minumum wage is somewhere around $13-14.

About the taxes: I don´t remember the excact numbers, but if you earn more than abut $50-55,000 a year, you may end up paying up to 60% tax.

edit: http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/da.html
The way I see it we need more refineries and a national gas standard. Having 25% of our national refineries in one spot is just a bad idea IMO. Also having one gas standard would eliminate normal distrobution problems not to mention in times like these. I am glad to see they did drop the diffrent standards for now but it doesn't really help if we can't refine it. I guess that's what pisses me off the most, it's not we don't have enough oil it's the fact that it can't be distibuted across the whole country.
Dragons_Kin said:
You can't do that, do you realize how much they polute? The EPA is already complaing about cows. Could you imagine the pooper scooper you would need, not to mention a place to put it.

Well, he could hang the crap out to dry and then use it in his stowe, thus saving on both gas and heat..... :)
I have no anti american feelings..But hey..somebody voted for Bush and somebody have to pay his wars..
So sad the way poeple realize how satanic He is is paying more for filling up their gas tanks...
And what it comes to Anthrax´s fans...
I´m really sorry for You guys..You´re a great audience...
Took the camper to Barton Lake in Fremont, IN - from Garden City (detroit), MI last weekend. Cost me $125 in fuel costs. :OMG:
I guess you mean medical insurance? Yeah, it´s covered.
The minumum wage is somewhere around $13-14.

ha ha I don't even make your minimum wage and, I pay for my crappy medical benifits. So I guess i'll just whip out 3 grand and by a better used car now. lmfao. Like Ted Nugent said. I'm in a "Straglehold". I think the shitty thing is that gas went up about 100% over the last 18 months.
I filled up my truck, my car, and the wife's van last night at $2.42 a gallon. Today at noon it was $3.15 and it just keeps going up. I live in BFE and the wife and I have to do a lot of driving so this is really gonna suck.
MichiMikey said:
Took the camper to Barton Lake in Fremont, IN - from Garden City (detroit), MI last weekend. Cost me $125 in fuel costs. :OMG:

I here you, it's a real pain to the wallet.
I'm heading to Mio, MI. this weekend with my truck, trailer and 3 4-wheelers. Not only is it going to be expensive, I'm wondering what the gas prices will be by the time I get up-north, where it's always higher?
I hope there's no gas shortages up there either.
Mio isn't far from me. I live in Grayling. Gas is around $3.19 to $3.49 in the area for RUNL.


Lordlindsey said:
I here you, it's a real pain to the wallet.
I'm heading to Mio, MI. this weekend with my truck, trailer and 3 4-wheelers. Not only is it going to be expensive, I'm wondering what the gas prices will be by the time I get up-north, where it's always higher?
I hope there's no gas shortages up there either.
Luckily, I live on the border to Mexico. I heard on the news last night that the gas was about $2.20 there. It's funny how before the people from Mexico would come to the US to fill up on gas. Now, it's gonna be the opposite. The gas in Mexico is not as clean as the gas here in the US, but at the rate the prices are going, I don't think we'll have a choice. I'll just add an octane booster every time I fill up. Also, pretty soon, prices for all things are gonna go up. I heard on the news last night that trucking companies are literally closing down because they can't make a profit transporting goods.
These rising gas prices have got me in a predicament. I've been pre-approved for a mortgage to build a new house and I've been talking to builders getting estimates. If gas prices keep going up it's going to make it tough for me to make the payments on the damn thing, but if I don't build it now (and gas prices stay high) it's going to cost me even more to build it later!
People that say everyone should drive more fuel efficeint cars obviously don't live where I do. It's common here in the winter to have 3 feet of snow on the roads and there's no way I could get around in some little rice burner.
America needs to start building new refineries (been like 25 years since the last one was built).
There are some places in Georgia charging $5.00 a gallon. :yuk: It may be price gouging, which is worse in my opinion, but the price of gas is definitely up.

I don't have a problem with SUVs in areas where you need them. I have a problem when you live in the city, and worse yet you are single, and you own a minivan or an SUV or H2, but that's just me.

If you are building a house, now is the best time to look into alternate sources of energy for your house.