OT: Chicago Powerfest Quick Review!!!!

woosta said:
Hey man, calm your ass down. When did I say they SHOULD be snubbed? Can anyone on this fucking board read? No band should be snubbed, I'm just saying that I chose to not show up until the headliners. Is that good? No, and I know it. But I spent $110 on tickets, $118 on rooms, $150 on gas, $100 on food, plus throw in $85 for my day off to travel on Friday and that's not even the "fun stuff". I need to recoup my money through being able to enjoy the bands I'm paying to see and if I'm showing up for bands, and last year was a definite challenge to sit through by the time the headliners got on, that aren't working for me, then my experience is lessened and the money is still gone. What sense is that? Now granted, this year's bands are a whole new set but the bottom line is that past practice dictates my ideas (as well as BIOMECHANICAL and AGENT STEEL on Friday). That says, see who you paid to see.

Understand, everyone on this board is paying for their own thing. You pay to go have a beer and talk to people. I could just as easily say that you are disrespecting bands by getting liquored up and not enjoying them in their purity. That is asenine because it's YOUR money and you do it how you want to. But all of a sudden, I've got these assworms crawling out of the woodwork talking shit about this and that in the way that I approach a show. Personally, I don't care if you pay your money and you take a big heaping shit on the stage after the show. Leave me to do my thing without hitting the keys like some internet enforcer defending his girl. You dont' like how I handle a show? buy my fucking ticket. :u-huh:


Totally agree. It's your money and do what you want. You showed up. That's a lot more than a lot of people do for these shows.

So now are we going to start a post criticizing all the people who essentially loiter in the lobby at Progpower? You can basically go out there and see the same people through 3 or 4 bands sets sometimes. But who cares really? They pay their money so just deal with the difference without crying like a bitch.
Jasonic said:
Question for Rob (GateXII):
Is Red a permanent replacement, or are you guys not making any sort of official statement on this yet? Just curious.

Good question Jasonic! I have heard both.. I'm curious to see the result! Hopefully the Powerfest backlash doesn't get taken too seriously.

:rock: :rock: TWELFTH GATE :rock: :rock:
I think TG went over pretty well, considering everything. From talking to Rob before the show, it seems like he was expecting some people to like it, and some people to hate it, which is exactly what happened. Considering that most of the harsh complaints about their set came from uninformed people who can't handle death vocals anyway, I think the general consensus is that they kicked ass, and that everyone who could enjoy their set, did enjoy their set.

Fixed. :lol:

I sincerely hope I didn't piss too many people off here. I'll start with Rob, since he was the first to respond.

Rob, I seriously don't recall your band's songs originally being played the way they were at Powerfest. I'll admit that the vocals are what really ruined it for me. I think anybody who was into Twelfth Gate as a vocally melodic band would immediately be turned off by Red's vocals. And yes, I used "mallcore" to describe the sound becuase of the vocals. That style totally reminded me of bands like Lamb Of God, Meshuggah, etc. I know that's what you're really digging these days, and that's fine. As a fan of Twelfth Gate with Scott Huffman, I kind of took that performance as a slap to the face. I don't know the story behind the replacement, and I wasn't aware that there was an announcement made about said replacement before the show. I can imagine you and your bandmates feeling like you were in a jam, what with the new album on its way out and your decision to move on with a new vocalist being made prior to the album's release. To sum it up, I'll say this: you're an awesome guy, you helped put together a fun show, and I enjoyed your work with Twelfth Gate. However, what I saw at Powerfest was not Twelfth Gate to me. I'm sure we'll run into each other in the near future. If you care to have a beer (Pepsi for me) and shoot the shit, I'm game.

Now onto Matt. Let's forget the "there is no God" part of it for now and focus on the "doom-and-gloom" part. I just read the lyrics posted on your band's website, and I have to say that they're pretty doomy. You guys said yourselves that Solitude Aeturnus is one of your biggest influences. Lyrically, I'd say you're pretty similar to them, and they're about as doomy as it gets. You call it dark. I call it unhappy. As for the "there is no God" part, after reading the lyrics, I don't get that from your music. To be completely honest, I was trying to describe the band's lyrical approach as well as your vocalist's onstage persona to my drummer the day after the show. He missed the second night's festivities. Anyway, I mentioned your singer's statement of "I am God!" (which can be interpreted a number of ways) before one of your songs, and after finishing my review, my drummer summed it up by saying, "So, what you're saying is that the music and the vocals kicked ass, but they had those doom-and-gloom, there is no God kind of lyrics that you don't particularly like?" I found it fitting enough, so I used it in my review on this forum. I hope I didn't offend you. As I stated before, I totally enjoyed the music as well as the vocal stylings. I'm just picky about lyrics. I'm not always about being happy myself, but I think you can sound unhappy without making it sound like you'll forever be unhappy. Anyway, I certainly wouldn't object to seeing you guys again. In fact, I hope that our bands could possibly play together in the future. I'll warn you in advance that my lyrics lack any sophistication whatsoever, so I'm at your disposal.

Stay metal. Never rust.