CKY are shite. In the context of "eye of the beholder", I can't say I'm surprised. CKY couldn't write anything anywhere near the power or as resonating as Reign in Blood, South of Heaven, or Seasons in the Abyss. Those albums are statements unto themselves.

Usually the most talentless hacks spend their time slagging off other bands. Most of the time they're called journalists, but sometimes they try and call themselves musicians.
Doesn't bother me too much. There's some truth to what he's saying. I don't like his band, but Slayer definatly isn't very extreme anymore and did get sucked into some trends.

Not that Slayer weren't amazingly innovative and everything, I'm willing to ignore everything they did that I think is lame because they made Reign in Blood, and that CD is so important to the style of music I listen too. But I still don't see what is SO horrible about this. He's entitled to his opinion and it's not ALL bullshit either.
You bunch of n00bz - Slayer *is* a bunch of posers. They stole their albums from a Martian polka band called Colostomy Bomber, in whose language 'Seasons In The Abyss' really means 'Hugging Bunnies For Jesus' - if you want true metal, listen to Trivium.

err.. cKy is a very cool band, but Deron Miller's side project with Tim Yeung of Vital Remains and Hate Eternal is very cool too.. and heavy... Deron can play his ass off too.. one of the best rhythm guitarists i've ever had the pleasure of recording as well as one of the most versatile singers i've worked with. never mind that fact that his death and thrash metal collection dwarfs anyone's i've ever seen and has for years... he's an old school death metal head since back when it wasn't old school, and very, very knowledgeable on the subject..... last time we hung out he was playing old Death songs top to bottom without blinking or missing a note. so, i'm sure he'll just laugh off your criticism... much like i'm sure he knows Slayer will blow off his.

... and do we really need this kind of crap on here?... leave the bitchin' to your gf's.

<<Deron, in his Immolation shirt, reacting to your thread.... then he went and smoked a cigarette and forgot all about it. ;)
Whoever sings that "Rock and roll, rock and roll, I'm the king of rock and roll" is a badasss.
welp my question is CKY who???

on a more serious note...i don't see how other bands can bash well established bands like slayer. I don't recall hearing that CKY won any Grammy's. hmmmmm.
Let's see... Metallica has seven (count them, seven) Grammys but that doesn't mean balls when they put out stuff like... oh, I don't know, perhaps everything since AJFA. Slayer's *real* accomplishments are far too important to have bullshit like a Grammy count among them, so bringing that up accomplishes nothing.

I love how nobody has defended the Slayer albums that Deron is obviously referring to, or attempted to maintain that in comparison to Death, Malevolent Creation, Suffocation, or other such bands Slayer is still extreme and brutal, but instead chose to just slam the man himself. I'm not going to disagree that Slayer is influential, and that a lot of more brutal stuff took cues from them, but I think he's right when he says that Slayer has put out some shit and isn't exactly keeping the reputation they earned with their earlier albums.

Ouch. That was rather painful to read. Couldn't he have just said that he never cared for them? He just went off. Bizarre. To each his own I guess.
Haha, we may have influenced CKY's (Deron's) riffs by this thread! Make em heavier!:lol: I love all of CKYs shit. The fucking whammy (pitch shifter) riffs are great! I haven't read the Slayer bashing yet. Slayer did perform on Bam's show, at his house so wtf.
Slayer's *real* accomplishments are far too important to have bullshit like a Grammy count among them, so bringing that up accomplishes nothing.

I bet the Slayer dudes would totally disagree with you.

Maybe Slayer changed because talking about Satan sounds dumb when you're 50...
I bet the Slayer dudes would totally disagree with you.

Makes sense... if I were one of the founders of extreme metal I sure as hell wouldn't settle for a dedicated hardcore fanbase, steady gigs, media appearances, and my name on practically every other page of the history of metal... I'd just have to be among the ranks of Metallica and Jethro Tull according to a bunch of self-righteous and egotistical bastards who don't know shit about music unless it pulls in cash or my life wouldn't be complete.

I'd just have to be among the ranks of Metallica and Jethro Tull according to a bunch of self-righteous and egotistical bastards who don't know shit about music unless it pulls in cash or my life wouldn't be complete.

That's a very simplisitc and frankly nihilistic view of the music business. You don't know what you're talking about.
I bet the Slayer dudes would totally disagree with you.

Maybe Slayer changed because talking about Satan sounds dumb when you're 50...
yeah, but was talking about satan or not talking about satan really the issue? and for that matter what doesn't sound dumb about being in a band called Slayer when you're 50? (probably the "cha-ching" of the bank teller machine). Deron merely stated his opinion, and hey, he was asked... and it was on his own forum.. it's not like he just wrote all that, unprompted, and sent it in to Blabbermouth.
That's a very simplistic and frankly nihilistic view of the music business. You don't know what you're talking about.

Hmm... while I suppose that I don't know much about the music business if I don't elect to put bullshit like record sales and commercial media awards ahead of the actual music involved, I don't think that I brought up half a shit worth of 'music business' talk anyway so I fail to see how that makes any sense.

Also, I'd like to know why it's 'nihilistic' to call the Grammy awards complete and utter bullshit - I'd just consider it 'having good taste' and 'not buying into hype over what some suit in an office somewhere thinks is good music'. This doesn't have a thing to do with nihilism, and throwing that word around for no apparent reason won't get anything done.

As far as not knowing what I'm talking about when I say the Grammy awards don't indicate quality and shouldn't be used as a measure of success any more than record sales, let's just see some awards from the past...

Beastie Boys
Bill AND Hillary Clinton, separately (because spoken word needs *that* kind of recognition)
The assholes from the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air
Flock of Seagulls
Kenny G
Green Day
R Kelly
Will Smith (apart from the abomination that was the Fresh Prince, he got more)
Britney Spears
Velvet Revolver
The White Stripes
Young MC

... and wonder why I think actually making music that stands the test of time and influences generations of music has importance. Well, at the very least, even if I don't know much about 'the music business', I won't have to defend my taste when trendy bullshit fades away...

I agree 100&#37; with everything Deron says, and I have felt exactly the same way about Slayer since I was 14. Finally, somebody prominent who I respect in the metal community has spoken out about it! They have always sucked, and always will. Truly, I would rather listen to Christina Aguilera, she is 10 times the musician of any member of Slayer, with the obvious exception of Dave Lombardo...

Dave Lombardo is one of the most amazing drummers ever, and he alone is the only reason to listen to that band. I'm glad he's diversified his portfolio a bit since the early days; my favorite work of his has to be Testament's "The Gathering."