Slayer may well now release mediocre albums (I like select tracks from everything since Seasons but am indifferent to a lot of it) but that still doesn't change the fact that they released a string of groundbreaking albums that deserve respect.

I grew up with that band and at the time no one came close to their combination of intensity and brutality and I've yet to see it since. For 20 years bands have played louder, faster, lower, screamed/growled more, played note-perfect sweep-picked arpeggios, stuck crosses up their arses, burnt churches, all while shagging a few goats and (in my opinion) they still haven't matched Reign in Blood. It's still the yardstick. Bands took the lead from them and went over the top to the point where it became Spinal Tap and now most death/black/thrash metal is laughable to me.

From a personality perspective, Slayer don't appear to be the nicest blokes out there. Tom Araya has said some really dumb/insensitive stuff in interviews I've seen (both in print and on film). His "religious" beliefs I could also care less about. His band's music simply changed my life though.

Want to knock Slayer down off that perch? It's pretty simple....go record the best metal record ever.

I saw them here in Dublin a couple of months ago and four 50 year old men blew 4 bands of 20/30-somethings off the stage. If I could capture 10% of what those dudes have done, I'd die a happy man.
I think they're just jealous because Slayer have a better name. I mean, come on, CKY?! Sounds like a lubricant. ;)

yeah, but was talking about satan or not talking about satan really the issue? and for that matter what doesn't sound dumb about being in a band called Slayer when you're 50? (probably the "cha-ching" of the bank teller machine).

I was trying to be facetious. Trust me, I'm totally with you on this.
according to a bunch of self-righteous and egotistical bastards who don't know shit about music unless it pulls in cash or my life wouldn't be complete.

That was the nihilistic part...

Man, I thought the same was as you did before I moved to Hollywood and worked with these kinds of artists - including some of the people on your list. It takes immense talent and extremely hard work (that's actually an understatement) to be in a position to even get nominated for a Grammy. I'll tell you this much too...every rock and metal band that ever came to the studio were just dying to meet the big names working in the other room. And when they did, it was usually with a very humble approach. The respect level for huge names - no matter what kind of music they're playing - is a mutual understanding between artists in the major music towns....and that's because of the talent level more than anything.

Reign In Blood is tied with Master Of Puppets for the #1 metal album of all time as far as I'm concerned. Slayer rules.
Reign In Blood is tied with Master Of Puppets for the #1 metal album of all time as far as I'm concerned. Slayer rules.

These 2 albums became instant classics from the time they came out and still remain so.
Even if you're a die hard metal fan I could maybe see why someone wouldn't like the guitar solos but that's Slayer. They're not traditional solos and that alone to me is cool as hell. The Lombardo years were when they were at their best and put out classic albums.
That was the nihilistic part...

Man, I thought the same was as you did before I moved to Hollywood and worked with these kinds of artists - including some of the people on your list. It takes immense talent and extremely hard work (that's actually an understatement) to be in a position to even get nominated for a Grammy. I'll tell you this much too...every rock and metal band that ever came to the studio were just dying to meet the big names working in the other room. And when they did, it was usually with a very humble approach. The respect level for huge names - no matter what kind of music they're playing - is a mutual understanding between artists in the major music towns....and that's because of the talent level more than anything.

Reign In Blood is tied with Master Of Puppets for the #1 metal album of all time as far as I'm concerned. Slayer rules.

Nihilism would be saying that no standard can exist - I'm saying that their standard is shit, as far as I'm concerned, and has no impact on what I listen to or buy. That's far from nihilism.

That aside, when I'm stuck listening to the inane bullshit that's given these awards and that gets nominated for that, I don't think I'll be hearing any of the same shit twenty years from now. People still listen to Led Zeppelin and the influences from that one group are far and wide... how many people will give a quarter of a fuck about Britney Spears three decades from now? I clearly can't find the talent you're talking about in today's pop scene, it all just sounds like pandering to formulaic cookie-cutter bullshit. I can't see how anyone would justify giving a metal award to Jethro Tull, six awards for anything to Korn, or seven to Metallica before Judas fucking Priest.

In any case, my main argument was that it was a bit odd to bash Deron and CKY rather than making a case opposing Deron's statement that Slayer was overrated.

I love Deron's response on the CKY site to the guys that give him shit for it.

"thanks for coming to the site today and for caring & being bothered by my opinion of a band that doesnt know you or care if you were dead or alive."
What a muppet. If I want someone to "care"....I have a girlfriend for that. Does Deron expect a big cuddle from "Uncle" Tom or something? :D

I'll still take Slayer any day of the week over CKY. If fact all this shite inspired me to listen to both Reign in Blood and Christ Illusion yesterday.
and also the lowest form of wit.
especially to those who fail to grasp it. :p

you do grasp it though... at the very least you use it.... and i quote: "If I want someone to "care"....I have a girlfriend for that. Does Deron expect a big cuddle from "Uncle" Tom or something?" no, sarcasm is no stranger to your repertoire... you just failed to recognize Deron using it.... then condemned it's use as lower humour a few posts after wielding it to attack the very statements you managed to overlook the sarcastic tone in....

this is not an attack, merely an observation... as i stated earlier, i think Diblins has very eloquently put this matter to rest. <--- (ISAS* siren starts to sound off loudly here)

and actually, "your momma..." jokes are a bit lower in the hierarchy. :lol:

* International Sarcasm Alert System
Sarcasm is not hard to grasp at all....especially considering that it's a way of life for some people where I live. I find it slightly amusing that an American is pointing this out to me :D I've got no beef with you dude, but I just wish that in this case people would redirect their energies into something positive (like refining their craft) rather than reducing themselves to slagging off other bands. No idea what Deron's motiviation is/was, but it's just ugly to me. If he craves/wants attention for his band, maybe releasing better material is a more positive way of doing things that won't result in turning a lot of people away.
Sarcasm is not hard to grasp at all....especially considering that it's a way of life for some people where I live. I find it slightly amusing that an American is pointing this out to me :D I've got no beef with you dude, but I just wish that in this case people would redirect their energies into something positive (like refining their craft) rather than reducing themselves to slagging off other bands. No idea what Deron's motiviation is/was, but it's just ugly to me. If he craves/wants attention for his band, maybe releasing better material is a more positive way of doing things that won't result in turning a lot of people away.
i guess you didn't read any of my other posts in this thread or you would know that not only is deron working on a new cKy record he's also just finished recording a killer heavier project.... deron is one of the most prolific writers i know, so "spending time on his craft" is not an issue at all for him... and ALLOW ME TO REPEAT: "Deron merely stated his opinion, and hey, he was asked... and it was on his own forum.. it's not like he just wrote all that, unprompted, and sent it in to Blabbermouth." i fail to understand, how after reading this that anyone could even make the slightest insinuation that he "craved attention" for his band. i know from speaking to Deron yesterday that he was unhappy that b-mouth culled this from his site, pulled it out of the larger context of the whole conversation (as in leaving out the question from the fan that prompted his response) and posted the news item with no indication that it was NOT submitted. i also know and am old friends with the guy who runs b-mouth and i know that he just loves this kind of thing, gets a kick out of it... and more power to him, because you and people like you are all sucker enough to buy into it and start talking shit about someone you don't even know, much less have any idea about how good of a musician he is. he was asked, he answered. you read about it out of context on a known controversial site (albeit an extremely popular one... hey, i check it everyday too) and proceeded to bash. nobody asked you.

i'm done.. if you fail to grasp the logic here, then there's nothing more i can say... but i would hope the blabbermouth mentality will not prevail here.

EDIT: just went back and re-read the Blabbermouth story.... and in fact it DOES state that this was pulled from the cKy site and was a response to a visitor question... this just makes it even more lame to sit around and bash Deron over this.... it's not like you were fooled into thinking he sent this is as an unpromped tirade. so relax already, this isn't blabbermouth and i for one am getting right sick of all the "OT" b-mouth type threads that keep popping up.
At the end of the day, the music will speak for itself. I'll check out the next CKY album.

I accept that Deron was asked a question on his own forum but considered the depth and extent of his response it's naive to think that a statement on a public forum like that wouldn't be picked up by the likes of Blabbermouth and/or discussed elsewhere in the metal community. He wasn't forced into that tirade. I think this is why the likes of Andy and a few others don't talk negatively about other people in the industry. They are savvy enough to know that comments can be taken out of context (I know the feeling), so for their professional wellbeing (and a bit of class thrown in) they usually don't do it unless there's a very good reason for it.
Yes Slayer did innovate about 20 years ago but since then theyve stuff to a formula that works. IN MY OPPINION they are lowest common denominator metal but since when is that a bad thing. Seems to work for most pop acts. Pop meaning popular.
Slayer to me are like Pantomime these day (if your not from the UK let google be your friend) You know what your gonna get, you know its gonna be a bit cheesy but you kinda love it anyway through nostalgia