OT: Derek Trucks Band gear stolen - Atlanta


Feb 12, 2002
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Saw this on another post I poost on.. please help if you can:
Keep your eyes open in Atlanta, just got this email;

Hey there sweet family,

Some very unpeachy news to share this evening:

Derek Trucks Band Equipment Stolen....
Emergency - Please Help
The Derek Trucks Band's equipment trailer was
stolen last night in Atlanta. I need to purchase
the following equipment ASAP. Anyone who is
willing to sell any of this gear, please call me
at 303-778-1156.

1) Two blackface Super Reverbs, 1965 preferred,
1964 through 1967 acceptable. Must have
original transformers; everything else will be
tweaked by me to Derek's spec. Speakers
not important - keep 'em if you like. As long
as the cabinet and baffle board aren't busted,
I don't give a **** what it looks like.

2) One 1974 or earlier Ampeg SVT head. Must
have original trannies. Looks not important
Not looking for the oldest production with the
6146B output tubes, please.

Posters in the Atlanta area, please be on the lookout for the stolen gear. A
list of serial numbers will be posted as soon as I receive it.

Lord Valve

Here is a list of the key items that were in the
DTB trailer. This is not a complete list but these
are the items we’re most likely to spot and hopefully
recover. Please contact me if anything turns up.

Lord Valve - 303-778-1156

1) Pearl 5-piece Drum Kit (Black)
Serial numbers: 652623, 642341,
83233, 6526231, 652163

2) '66 Fender blackface Super Reverb
with Weber DT-10 speakers.
Serial number: A13225

3) '65 Fender blackface Super Reverb
with Pile Driver speakers; has
external bias and plate voltage
testpoints on rear next to line
cord. EXT speaker jack has been
converted to a line output.
Serial number: A06896

4) Hammond B-3 w/custom Leslie foot switch
Serial number: pending

5) Leslie cabinet, model 147
Serial number: H25474

6) Hohner Clavinet model E7
Serial number: 3447 410

7) Yamaha Motif keyboard
Serial number: IHO1189

8) Cool 1974 Ampeg SVT Bass Head
Serial number: 112149

9) Ampeg 4X10 bass cabinet
Serial number: pending

10) 4 LP Congas in soft bags

11) '96 Matchless Chieftain 2X10 combo amp
Serial number: pending

12) Mikes:
3 Shure SM57
2 Shure SM58
Shure Beta 52
2 AKG 460
3 EV 406
Neuman KM184
2 Sennheiser 421
Beyer M88
2 AKG C414

13) Furman-PL plus power conditioner
Serial number: 7Z37

14) Drawmer DL441 4 channel compressor
Serial number: 706

15) 3 DBX 160A compressors
Serial numbers: pending

16) TC Electronics D2-Delay Unit
Serial number: 3107455

17) Yamaha SPX90 effects processor
Serial number: 26308

18) Cool Tascam DAPI DAT recorder
Serial number: 580001

19: Midas Mixing Console
Serial number: 173052 0324011056

20) Tascam 8 track model DA78HR
Serial number: 100101

21) Tascam 8 track model DA38
Serial number: 270262

22) Tascam 8 track model DA38
Serial number: 40369


Take care and know that you are loved ... and we know you'll do anything you can
to help,

Lana and Rowland
Kenneth R. said:
wow, thats a lot of nice gear
hopefully the thief tries to sell it and gets busted.

Or better yet, realizes from widespread publicity that the stuff he's stolen is unsaleable and useless, and 'allows it all to be found somewhere.'

I wonder where it was stolen from?

At least they didn't have their tour-bus stolen, like a certain beloved prog-metal band did once. (!)
Pellaz said:
Or better yet, realizes from widespread publicity that the stuff he's stolen is unsaleable and useless, and 'allows it all to be found somewhere.'

I wonder where it was stolen from?

At least they didn't have their tour-bus stolen, like a certain beloved prog-metal band did once. (!)

Unsaleable??? Are you fucking serious? No, wait you couldnt be. Cuz that shit could/will sell for next to nothing to someone, whether you like it or not. Sucks that it happened, but for such a stupid and naive post, I suggest Paul should compensate you for all your loss. Honestly...that really sucks, but I would be very surprised if you get it back. I hope you do, but good luck in replacing your stuff at the cheapest possible cost. And might I add General Zod as a suspect.
Pellaz said:
Dude, they posted SERIAL NUMBERS. Normally, sure, equipment can be resold, but this is marked stuff.

Uh, why the hostility?

Sorry, no real hostility intended. I just think that someone who steals such a large amount of equipment probably knows how to unload it rather easily without popping up on law enforcement radar. Hell, maybe they will just keep it for themselves.
Pellaz said:
Dude, they posted SERIAL NUMBERS. Normally, sure, equipment can be resold, but this is marked stuff.

Uh, why the hostility?

I think he's having a Midol Moment.......:lol:
RR DOES have a point.....Gear gets stolen and hocked all the time, depending on how the serial # is affixed to the items, it may be easy to alter/remove. If the person is keeping the gear for themselves, about all they'll be able to do is go into the secret room and look at it, and play with it... Never be able to sell it,
never be able to show it off. I always wondered what happened to all the gear Vai had stolen from the DLR rehersal hall....He got some back, but the REAL cool shit is still MIA......
J-Dubya - NOT a suspect......
I had never even heard of Trucks until this thread. I went and Googled him to see why RR thought I might be a suspect. Heard the new track on his new CD... pretty cool. Can someone recommend to me a good place to start with his music? There's a free Drawmer DL441 4-Channel Compressor in it for ya.:heh:

urinalcakemix said:
Whoa whoa! What band would THIS Be? I DEFINITELY havent heard THIS one before!

A little prog-metal band called Dream Theater.

Yep, their bus-driver just.....drove off with the bus. In Detroit, IIRC. They got it back later -- it was found, along with the driver, in crackville -- but it was a scary night, since a lot of personal effects including ,e.g., Mike Portnoy's laptop were on the bus at the time.

This was quite a while ago. Story courtesy of Dave Hatlee, I think, who was one of the Ytsejam/MP.com originals.

Now, how about having your bus-driver go wacko and run away out of the city, leaving your bus high and dry at the venue and a show the following night?

--Kreator/Destruction, shared bus, in Atlanta. My roommate got a panicky call from the president of the coach company, referred by the (confused) manager at the Masquerade. "I'll pay you $1,000/week, plus expenses and hotel, if you'll drive their bus." "Uh, cool, but....I don't have a CDL." :heh: