OT: Do Americans Have to pay a federal incone tax?

Even better, watch the whole damn thing!

If the right to private property has to mean anything, it means that the government may not tax you against your will. Because its YOUR property not theirs.

All other questions of a utilitarian nature are besides the point as far as *this* subject is concerned.

The question of the documentary is; is there is law that requires you to pay the income tax or not. I.o.w. is the income tax constitutional or not.

Please discuss this in a civilized manner without any personal remarks against others.
The last 45 minutes talk about how the US dollar is worth virtually nothing, and the new ID card coming next year.

I don't know why the ID card is such a fuzz. Here's like a prize when you get 18 you run for yours to be able to vote, drink, drive, etc. In Argentina is even a more complicated document, have your picture, fingerprint, military status, wife and children names, and every time you vote a stamp that shows that you EXERCISED your duty in a democracy. Since I have both citzenships I have both and both passports. And I don't care about any of them, is just paper and plastic. It doesn't take away WHO YOU ARE. There are better things to whine for IMO.

And if you think the $USD worth nothing try to live with ¢CRC at $1 = ¢520

NP: Tomas Bodin - 'Into The Dreamscape'
I've seen this video before. A friend of mine has been bitching about this for a couple years now. He's been tempted to just stop paying his income taxes, but so far has decided to work within the legal loopholes. Why? Because the IRS and our government have way too much power (pretty much unlimited thanks to the Patriot Act and other such nonsense).

You may have a legal right not to pay income taxes, but that's not going to stop them from raiding your home/business, seizing your bank accounts, property etc. They can do it at a drop of a hat. Sure, you can fight them, and maybe (big maybe) win. But while the wheels of justice are crawling along at a snail's pace, they've taken everything you've worked for. How does one provide for their family during the lengthy court battles if your bank accounts are seized, your wages garnished, and your home taken?

It's a shame what our government has become. And those of you elsewhere in the world, fear for your children and grandchildren. Because this isn't just a U.S. issue. Once they conquer the most powerful country in the modern world, the rest are sure to fold like a house of cards in the wind.
Very well said TSO.

At least the Canadian dollar is still worth something (and more than the US Dollar! - actually A LOT more, but banks won't admit it). Once they switch over the Amero currency (Canada, USA and Mexico), we're fucked. As if NAFTA wasn't bad enough.

Let's hope Ron Paul, or someone who understands economics and respects the constitution, wins the election.
I'd love to stop paying income tax, and I believe fully that it is unconstitutional for us to do so. The problem, of course, is that if I don't pay income tax, they Government will come after me. That's the important part, as far as I'm concerned. Yeah, the government can do anything unconstitutional it wants if it can make us comply.
I understand the US Government can't force you to pay taxes if you don't file. So some people don't file because constitutionally they don't have to. The way the government gets around it is this: If you don't file and they discover it, the government files your taxes for you. Then showing the taxes as unpaid they come after you!

NP: Phantom X - Storm Riders
I have no problem with a federal income tax. The central government of the USA has to have money to operate and most of that is generated from income tax. That is not to say I think the federal government spends it's money very wisely mind you, but I think it is a necessary evil of living in a modern society. I think a flat tax should be imposed where everyone pays the same percentage of tax, though.
As far as the deflation of the American dollar..... it's even simpler than economics. The poor worth of the dollar is due to simply..... greed. There was a housing boom that lasted for several years in the United States. In fact, only about nine months or so ago did the housing market collapse. Many people were buying houses, so that made other people want to buy houses. Unfortunately, banks and mortgage companies were lending money on mortgage rates that were variable (meaning the interest percentage could go up or down depending on the economy) and leanding more money to people that they could afford. Foreign banks even tried to cash in on the housing boom funding many American based mortgage companies. Soon, people were not able to afford their houses and it had to be resold by the banks for often 30% less than what the loan amount was for. Everyone lost out on this. The homeowners that tried to buy a house larger and nicer than they could afford lost their homes. The bankers and mortgage brokers that loaned the money lost their income from the homeowners that couldn't afford the rates and even the smart homeowners that could afford new homes and wanted to by them had to wait much longer because they couldn't sell the home they already owned.
The second thing that has weakened the dollar is the fact that we don't make anything in the US anymore. American manufacturing is getting scarce. If you go to Wal-mart, 98% of the non-food products on the shelves are made somewhere else besides America. This isn't due to "America not being able to compete with cheap foreign labor" as some might say. It is due to greed. The American investors and the American consumers are greedy. If you put two identical toys next to each other, and one said MADE IN THE USA on it, yet it were $2.00 more than the toy next to it, the lesser expensive one would outsell it. Americand only think about themselves and that $2.00 is of grand importance to them.
On the other side of this are your wealthy investors. They want to earn as much as possible as quickly as possible, so they force American companies to be profitable and the profits go to shareholders of the company stock as opposed to being reinvested back into the company. The American companies end up having out of date machinery that is not in good working order and can no longer turn a profit, so they ship the manufacturing of the product to an overseas company. Had the company reinvested some of their profit back into the company from the start, new machines could have been brought in a little at a time, improving the efficiency of the manufacturing facilty and keeping it profitable.

I have no problem with a federal income tax. The central government of the USA has to have money to operate and most of that is generated from income tax.

Actually it's generated from State tax. All the federal income tax individuals pay from working goes to bankers to payoff interest, it has nothing to do with financing government and infrastructure. The roads are payed for through the gasoline tax, schools through your property tax and the military and national defense are funded through corporate income tax.

As far as the deflation of the American dollar..... it's even simpler than economics. The poor worth of the dollar is due to simply..... greed.

The dollar is inflated because the US went off the gold standard and the federal reserve is now able to create money out of thin air. Money used to be a "receipt" saying how much gold you had. You could go and actually get gold in exchange for your money.

With the gold standard, money remained steady and didn't inflate. Government printed the money rather then the federal reserve. A candy bar costs the same in 1810 that it did in 1910. The money didn't inflate, so if it was 1 cent in 1810, it was the same 1 cent in 1910.

When you constantly print money, it goes down in value because there's so much of it (supply) and little demand. The US dollar is actually worth about 4-5 cents.

But certainly an unfair trade imbalance with China and many other countries is hurting the dollar.


One point of interest: I heard Russo in an interview talk about when he was good friends with the Rockefellers and they told him that they had directly financed the womens movement in the 60s and 70s. It had nothing to do equal rights and everything to do with being able to tax women equally on a federal level.
Oops I forgot one more. I DON'T pay income tax, my wage is below the amount determined by the government for the gross salary to be taxed. I wasn't paying much anyway like $2 a month anyway.

Sometimes I wish I have an income to pay $200 a month then...NOT! Peace of mind rules over peace of wallet.

NP: Praying Mantis - 'Blood Of An Angel'
The dollar is inflated because the US went off the gold standard and the federal reserve is now able to create money out of thin air. Money used to be a "receipt" saying how much gold you had. You could go and actually get gold in exchange for your money.

With the gold standard, money remained steady and didn't inflate.

A quick google search on "Repeal of Bretton Woods Agreement" will detail it every aspect of this.

And if (when?) OPEC begins trading oil in Euros and not dollars, the value of the American greenback will plummet even further. The result will be brutal, to say the least.
And if (when?) OPEC begins trading oil in Euros and not dollars, the value of the American greenback will plummet even further. The result will be brutal, to say the least.

There was a very interesting theory by a comedian (not sure if he actually came up with it) named Robert Newman, called the "Euro Dollar Theory". His CD "Apocalypto Now" sheds a lot of light on oil politics - brilliant man.

Anyways, in the theory he basically says that in 2000, Iraq went to the Euro when it traded oil, instead of the US dollar. Shortly after Iran and North Korea both switched over to the Euro. Ironic that all 3 are the Axis of Evil members?

Once China demands their debt from the US, the US is royally fucked. Odds are, it'll be worse than the Depression.
We pay alot in taxes. Its out of control. Most likely above 25% of Americans income goes to the government

Fed income tax
State income tax
property tax
school tax
gasoline tax
highway use tax
social security tax
sales tax
fines and surcharges for non compliance

funniest thing is this country was born under a tax revolution and something to do with taxation with representation........

chew on that for awhile before you swallow
i didnt really understand taxes or anything til this year. i didnt need to really.

anyway, i have a job so when i hit 16, took econ, and learned alot. yea i kinda realized how much we actually pay regarding your comment- and i dont even have to pay it all yet...

im not really sure about this one were talking about so id rather listen to everyone than voice an uneducated opinion...id
rather just ask a question.
im confused, what the fed. income task actually goes towards?
i read that list and it seems other things cover alot- so what does it go to, and do they really need as much as they take? it would seem to me that because of all those other taxes, they shouldnt be needed so much for fed income.
i didnt really understand taxes or anything til this year. i didnt need to really.

anyway, i have a job so when i hit 16, took econ, and learned alot. yea i kinda realized how much we actually pay regarding your comment- and i dont even have to pay it all yet...

im not really sure about this one were talking about so id rather listen to everyone than voice an uneducated opinion...id
rather just ask a question.
im confused, what the fed. income task actually goes towards?
i read that list and it seems other things cover alot- so what does it go to, and do they really need as much as they take? it would seem to me that because of all those other taxes, they shouldnt be needed so much for fed income.

This link to Wikipedia covers it from nuts to bolts. Read on!

there is no question that our taxs are needed to build and maintain highways, school systems, law enforcement, national security and make the pay role of the intence amount of slack, hand tied government employees

however it is without question that no one squanders money like the buearocracy does and Im sure thats the case all over the world and throughout history. It just seems so funny that after all these centuries and awareness and "democracy" that things would have changed rather than becoming worse. Yea, so we have a right to vote... like it makes a difference and suddenly within 4 years our paid representitives will actually get something done and stop the bullshit. The common man has no representation, all representation goes to corporate and stock market interests, while they spend the rest of their time makeing new rules, regulations and laws to squeeze our balls with in the interest of protecting the weak and humilating the strong into submission until we are reduced to the level of the lowest common denominator.

Anyone that was ever in their own small business in this country will tell you flat out that if we ever ran our business as our government operates we would have never made the first four months of payments let along expanded and grown... and in the end our governments narrow minded method and interpretation of national security has put us out of business.