OT: Do Americans Have to pay a federal incone tax?

i didnt really understand taxes or anything til this year. i didnt need to really.

anyway, i have a job so when i hit 16, took econ, and learned alot. yea i kinda realized how much we actually pay regarding your comment- and i dont even have to pay it all yet...

im not really sure about this one were talking about so id rather listen to everyone than voice an uneducated opinion...id
rather just ask a question.
im confused, what the fed. income task actually goes towards?
i read that list and it seems other things cover alot- so what does it go to, and do they really need as much as they take? it would seem to me that because of all those other taxes, they shouldnt be needed so much for fed income.



And yes we (U.S. citizens) do have to pay taxes! I don't think the tax is fair for poor people. Those living below the povery line shouldn't have to pay a Fed. INCOME tax at all.
And if you think the worth nothing try to live with ¢CRC at $1 = ¢520
Sux to be you and my family :lol: jk

Very well said TSO.

At least the Canadian dollar is still worth something (and more than the US Dollar! - actually A LOT more, but banks won't admit it). Once they switch over the Amero currency (Canada, USA and Mexico), we're fucked. As if NAFTA wasn't bad enough.
The Canadian dollar won't stay up forever... currencies go in cycles and the dollar will recover someday... if you want to learn about currencies and how they go up and down learn about FOREX (this site can teach you to trade in it www.babypips.com; click on their "school" section).... as for NAFTA... guess you haven't heard about CAFTA recently being passed finally after Costa Rica the sole hold out voted for it... though to tell you the truth I never followed NAFTA and why it was bad for us but I imagine whatever it is CAFTA will be similar...

I think a flat tax should be imposed where everyone pays the same percentage of tax, though.

I wouldn't have a problem with it neither but the rich do and I have read studies in the past that say a flat tax wouldn't work.

Oops I forgot one more. I DON'T pay income tax, my wage is below the amount determined by the government for the gross salary to be taxed. I wasn't paying much anyway like $2 a month anyway.

Sometimes I wish I have an income to pay $200 a month then...NOT! Peace of mind rules over peace of wallet.
Perhaps I should move there and live with my family from CR... :erk:

Once China demands their debt from the US, the US is royally fucked. Odds are, it'll be worse than the Depression.
It wouldn't be in China's best interest to do so and thats why they haven't done it and never will though they will use it as a threat from time to time as they have in the recent past...

We pay alot in taxes. Its out of control. Most likely above 25% of Americans income goes to the government

Fed income tax
State income tax
property tax
school tax
gasoline tax
highway use tax
social security tax
sales tax
fines and surcharges for non compliance

funniest thing is this country was born under a tax revolution and something to do with taxation with representation........

chew on that for awhile before you swallow
Don't forget we pay a tax everytime we take a crap and flush the toilet lol that is how i feel about our tax system...

I don't think the tax is fair for poor people. Those living below the povery line shouldn't have to pay a Fed. INCOME tax at all.
Not it's not. They should pay some tax but very little imo.

They dont, those down in the tax brackets get most of it, if not all of it back.
Yes in public programs and such but they are not getting it back to get out of the poverty line... if they did they wouldn't still be poor...