OT - Exclusive interview with Anthrax forum member anthraxgod

Social Distortion

The Voice of Reason
Sep 10, 2004
Lahti Rock City, Finland
1. You have been a member since 2002 and you also have an amazing post count of 26! How did you do it?

LOL, yeah even I couldn't believe I had 26! But if you have seen some of my posts, they tend to be quite long (that's what she said). So technically the 26 in actual length could be seen as 260! (Yeah even I don't buy that shit, but oh well).

I can say that I would've posted more, but when the news of the reunion hit I swore never to post again until Bush was back in the band. So I didn't post for 4 years or so I think.

2. What are your earliest memories posting here?

I first became a member when Justin had the OG anthrax site. It linked up to this message board and the rest is history. 26 posts of history.

3. What are your goals for 2010?

I'd really like to be a dad someday. I don't know if it will ever happen or if it is never meant to be. But that would be the one goal I not only have for 2010, but 2011 as well.

4. Are going to see Clash of the Titans part 2? Would you have preferred a new album instead of the tour?

I'm really torn on seeing this concert because I just finished seeing the first leg of the tour with Testament. And they CRUSHED! I missed the first Clash back in the day because I was young and broke, so for that alone I probably will go see them. But not having AIC open for them will be weird.

But I would prefer to have a new album out. I am fairly tired of the Bush/Belladonna/Nelson singing on the album thing. If Joey is here just release it with him. And let's all back him up. Because it seems like Scott isn't. Which is quite sad.

5. What is your greatest personal memory of Anthrax?

I have a couple.

#1 - During Maximum Rock tour, I went backstage (thanks Mr. Bag) with my wife and the band (minus Scott who was probably courting Pearl at the time) sang Happy Birthday to my wife. That was awesome.

#2 - Hanging out with John, Frankie and Zach Throne (if name sounds familiar, think 90210) and literally talking metal, sports and TV for 3 hours at a metal night Bush used to sponsor in Hollywood. I had a long ass post where Frankie spilled his guts about the state of the band at the time.

#3 - Talking with Charlie, Scott and Snake Sabo (when he filled in for a bit) after a HOB show. We talked about everything not music related, but sports and movies. So yes, people, they CAN be cool and not pricks. LOL.

#4 - First time I met John Bush. I worked at a radio station before and I have met a lot of celebrities and sports personalities. In fact, I was the second person ever to interview 17 year old Kobe Bryant and I was there when Mike Piazza got traded from the Dodgers. I was never awe-struck like I was meeting Bush. But he was the coolest person. And whenever I went to his metal nights events, he would search me out and we'd talk. Bush probably remembered me because I would always rip his Celtics-loving ass! Go LAkers! LOL.

6. Were you pleased with the band's decision to rehire Joey instead of trying to convince John to return full time?

This was a hard decision because I wanted to see the band succeed with JB. But seeing the merry-go-round of decisions involving lead singers, I came to terms with John's decision to not commit fully.

Which brings me to Joey. I was attracted to Anthrax back in '87 because they didn't sound like any other metal band. Especially with that voice and that type of break-neck speed. I understood the reason for the change in singers and I embraced the sound. But one thing Joey never did was be resentful and talk a bunch of shit. I've never met him but he seems like a genuine guy. And for that, I support him and do hope it does work out this time around.

7. Which band would you want to "go big" in 2011?

Gee, IDK, who do you think?

Honestly, this is what I would love to see in 2011.

Sepultura reuniting. I would love to hear them do Beneath The Remains in its entirety with the OG line-up.

A new album from Faith No More. God, that would rule!

And a new solo album from Dickinson. His last 3 albums have been masterpieces and it's about time he releases a new solo album.

Of course, new Anthrax wouldn't hurt as well.

8. What can you tell us about your personal life?

Nothing too much. I've lived a fairly good life. Metal has been the soundtrack to a lot of my memories (good and bad) of my life. So can't complain.

I've worked for a cool radio station. Met a lot of famous people (Kobe, Shaq, Piazza, Evander Holyfield, Lennox Lewis, Kerry King, Mustaine, a lot of pro wrestlers etc.).

I had a wrestling talk show (during wrestling's peak in the late 90's) that ran for one Saturday night from 2 am until 5 am and I had a shitload of calls. I couldn't believe how many calls I had at that time of night! I wish the show had been given the chance to be, but some on-air talent brought in the union and that was the end of my show.

Right now I am the coach of an adult baseball team and we are very good. Work for a cool communications company and I do freelance newspaper work on weekends.

Outside of that, just wish to be a dad. And hoping to catch up with my buddy Rey again and go to a show like we did back in the day. It's been too long.

9. Seriously, 26 posts in eight years? Are you anti, are you antisocial?

No, not antisocial ... just the be all, end all.


Black Thirteen
-- Not Scott Ian
Brentney Spears -- nice guy, we've emailed back in forth in the past
scottishthrax -- like his posts
Mikey Bong -- posts are cool
mrthrax -- cool guy
sufferer -- he must be married with that name, LOL
eighteeschick -- i need a visual before i can comment, preferably in the nude - lol
BratPrincess? -- see above
thraxx -- cool posts
DarrellDethSDMF - does look like darrell death, sorry
ironmaidenfan09 -- fascinating posts, love reading them, may not always agree but does make me think
JohnnieCzech -- same as IMF09, been following him since the early days, never talked with him, but have respect for him
Trashard -- really funny
danaholica -- for some reason, name reminds me of comedian Dana Gould
Deege - Dimebag Darrell
Matt Bello -- also old school, never talked to him, but love his posts
DumbAss -- name says it all, LOL J/K
Antwax -- I think he's from Finland, isn't that one of the countries with the highest suicide rate?
vomit -- wish he would've written more on his interview
whitey131 -- name reminds me of Whitey Ford (and Whitey Ford reminds me of Anthony Michael Hall)
spacebeer -- Pizza the Hut!
6er -- CONTROVERSIAL S-O-B! Yet, I like him.
The Boss -- Springsteen? I may one of the few people who is not a fan of Bruce.
Mosh pit -- I'm old school, it should be Slam Pit
Beer -- every couple of months, outside of that I don't drink
MILF -- (s). I have had quite a few. And yes, they DO do more! That is another essay for another day.
Wrestling -- at one time, I followed it with a passion (read my wrestling show above). Started getting disenchanted after Owen Hart's death. Then when Benoit did what he did ........ I just gave it up. Have never seen a wrestling show since.
Metal - my reason for being and my reason for being alive


Too fat women or too skinny women (must choose!): Too fat. As David St. Hubbins once sang proudly - "The Bigger the Cushin', the better the pushin'"

Funny or serious Anthrax: Funny - "Bud, Bear ... Dan, Bite me!"

Cocky or shy: Shy

Elvis or Jacko: Elvis

Funny or serious Anthrax: Serious - "I ran after the Beatles like everyone else - Yeah I bet they were running like hell!"

Books or Movies based on books: Books - BTW, can I recommend a book? World War Z by Max Brooks (Mel's son). This is not a comedy book. This is an awesome book based on what and what not the governments of the world tell us or are prepared for. This is the best book I've read since Stephen King in his prime.

Rap or Pop: Rap. But after Biggy and Tupac died, the rest has been shit!

Thanks for taking the time to do this interview! Any final words for your fellow Anthrax fans?

I want to thank Darrell for doing this. This has been a lot of fun and hopefully you guys know me a bit more. Also, no matter what, support the singers. Whether it be Joey or John, they are the ones who are being pitted by us in a stupid J vs J debate that in the end has no winner. Support Joey and the band and the rest will take care of itself.

Bring Back Bush (sorry - LOL)

Over, finished, gone, done, out .. see ya!
vomit -- wish he would've written more on his interview

I am here to answer your questions! I am sure you could search me out on this BB, and see what posts I started/replied to.

I did meet Scott Ian once (before a show in Milwaukee)....he was cool. This was right after WCFYA came out. A fine day. And the crowd was into it 100%.

Take care!!:dopey: