.:OT:. Funniest Mac video ever

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:yell: :yell: :yell:
Aw man, I'm sorry. It really is a hilarious video. The guy has like THE perfect facial expressions for the things he says. It's basically just a video of him talking about his Mac experiences. The whole time just bashing Macs, and then at the end, he goes "I cut together everything you saw tonight....*sigh*..on a Macintosh." Lol.

That's awesome! Reminds me of the time some lady in a class I was taking was trying to close a window on a Mac but close window button was of the screen and the window was blocking everything else that could possibly be used to close it. :( Couldn't use that feature.
Look around for the other one they made after that. It was even better.

I will see if I can dig it up.
i saw this before, laughed my ass off.... especially about how easily refuted all his ridiculous mac "facts" are.

in fact, the "mac experience" he describes sounds very much like my PC experience of the last several years. so yeah, this is hilarious... i love ironic humor.
Sinister Mephisto said:
That's awesome! Reminds me of the time some lady in a class I was taking was trying to close a window on a Mac but close window button was of the screen and the window was blocking everything else that could possibly be used to close it. :( Couldn't use that feature.
Command key + W = problem solved. i love how people who have not taken one second to learn how to use a Mac or familiarize themselves in any way, shape, or form with it's basic keyboard commands will act like their inability to accomplish a task is somehow an intrinsic fault of the Mac platform. hilarious.
James Murphy said:
Command key + W = problem solved. i love how people who have not taken one second to learn how to use a Mac or familiarize themselves in any way, shape, or form with it's basic keyboard commands will act like their inability to accomplish a task is somehow an intrinsic fault of the Mac platform. hilarious.
That's inherent to human nature, I'm affraid. Most people will put the blame on anything but themselves when something doesn't work (be it a mac, a cofee maker or a can opener).
You guys do realize this was a joke, right? I think you're taking it too seriously.
I know it's a joke, and believe me I laughed my fuckin' ass so hard that I just HAD to mail the link to most my contacts. Some friends of mine and I are still talking about it over msn as I type this in (the "tie a chain to it and use it as a BOAT ANCHOR!!!" gag is gonna turn into a legend). I was just comenting Murphy's post.
Oh we all know it's a joke. Mr. Murphy was just commenting on the reality of it. There are actually people out there like this guy is making fun of that will blame everything on something else, rather than say "hey, I don't really know what I'm doing, it *could* be my fault" So then they bash whatever it is they were using. It's funny but true.

Oh and Lurion, that has to be one of the funniest qoutes from the clip. I laughed so hard my soda came out of my nose and almost flew onto our Mackie console here, lol. The Norton one is funny too. "You idiot, you own a Macintosh. The file is FUCKING gone. IT'S JUST GONE!" ROFL. And the whole ordeal with the update manager..."bouncing at the bottom of the screen like a Jack Russel FUCKING TERRIER!" Hhahahaha. This is a classic video. Hopefully MKS can find the new one they did that he speaks of. I'm axiously waiting to watch it if it can be found.
