.:OT:. Funniest Mac video ever

Here's a dirty trick to play on your Windows based pals:

Take a screenshot of thier desktop, then remove all the shortcuts, making the desktop blank.... Then make the screenshot into the desktop wallpaper. They'll be clicking for hours wondering why nothing works.
ive had a couple of those things happen. but i was new to macs and havent had any problems since i learned what was up.

so watching that was all those more hilarious
Nah, shouldn't be a "war" again. I'm a Mac user (faithful!) and I thought it was hilarious. Hopefully nobody takes it serious and drops any bombs with the Mac vs. PC b.s. again.

It's funny because it's based in truth. I've used Macs almost exclusively at work and at home for the last several years, so I know my way around the platform fairly well, and I could relate to most everything he said. Even once you learn your way around some of these things, it's still funny. But I have a PC in the studio and it gets me just as frustrated. I don't prefer one over the other; I think they both suck. :Spin:
I use a pc for circumstancial reasons (mac isn't very popular in spain). I don't really give a damn. The war over whats better is so old it just doesnt make sense. But since macs are so easy to shut down (you just have to be using some software and then POOF!! It shuts down!) I think I'll go buy one. The best thing is the guys expresions. It makes me feel so sorry for him lol!
egan. said:
LOL. Amen. IME neither platform provides the infalable and completely transparent performance that they have both been claiming for 2 decades.

Yup. Some Macs I've had no problem with, and some have been nothing but trouble. Some PCs have been fine, some have been a nightmare. That's just the nature of technology.
Sinister Mephisto said:
Yes my story was a joke too. It could have happend on a PC just as easily chill the fuck out.

Lord Lurion said:
The war over whats better is so old it just doesnt make sense.
yeah, so is that video, about 4 years old. just as nonsense then as it is now though... and still funny. the guy is just such a clueless dork.... goofy as hell. clearly knows nothing about macs either, but yeah.. the joke is old.

this video was not based on any facts or actual experience of this guy.... it was done as a backlash parody of Apple's old "Switch" campaign of early 2002. wasn't a good parody then and is even less so now... but it's fun to watch this idiot make silly faces and gesticulate around like a fool.
James Murphy said:

yeah, so is that video, about 4 years old. just as nonsense then as it is now though... and still funny. the guy is just such a clueless dork.... goofy as hell. clearly knows nothing about macs either, but yeah.. the joke is old.

this video was not based on any facts or actual experience of this guy.... it was done as a backlash parody of Apple's old "Switch" campaign of early 2002. wasn't a good parody then and is even less so now... but it's fun to watch this idiot make silly faces and gesticulate around like a fool.

Actually, I suggest doing a little reseach on Hunter Cressall. He's far from being a clueless dork.