OT: Greatest hits pet peeve


Dec 6, 2001
In a Zone
Here's a pet peeve of mine...bands that never really had a hit and have no history that release greatest hits albums.

I was sad to see that a band I once liked, The Headstones, had released a greatest hits album. I betting most of you don't even know who The Headstones are, making a greatest hits compilation all the more ironic. They're a Canadian rock band, not really heavy, but had a couple good rock songs on their first two albums, (with great lyrics like "Went down to the cemetary/ Looking for love/Got there and my baby was buried/Had to dig her up"), but ultimately never made it past playing in University bars, or on the second stage of a big tour. The fact that they've released a greatest hits album leads me to one of two conclusions...they have either broken up and the record company is trying to fill up remaining albums on a multi-album contract, or they are looking for some quick easy cash. Either one is ultimately disappointing.

I laughed my ass off when I saw that Silverchair had a greatest hits album. Kids, that's what CD singles are for. And shouldn't you at least be out of your teens before releasing a greatest hits album.

My point is, in my opinion, greatest hits albums should be full of "great hits", and bands that have fewer than 3 or 4 albums that have been out less than a decade (thus not standing any test of time that would make a hit "great") should not be cluttering record store shelves with their recycled crap.
Yeah, that bugs me, too. Paying for stuff I already own, just to get one new song. That's what downloading is for. :grin:

Sometimes those are a good purchase, though, (again if the band really had a collection of greatest hits to begin with), if it's just to get all the best tracks in one place, like Return of the Killer A's (which also kept things interesting by using alternate versions.) Even that one wasn't Anthrax's idea, but rather something that the record company put them up too.

If the CD is full of truly great hits, as a fan I'd probably still buy it even if I owned all the individual records, regarless of whether there's a new track or not (ie. AC/DC is WAY overdue for a greatest hits compilation).
Worse than unknown bands getting a greatest hits CD is the bands that get tribute CDs. Some make perfect sense, (like Black Sabbath, etc.-too early to think of more) but Limp Bizkit? I'd rather see them have a greatest hits CD than a fucking tribute. And yet they have one. And even MORE annoying than that are bands like Linkin Park, who have ONE album out, and yet got an arena tour...with Cypress Hill opening for THEM.
funny you should mention the Limp Bizkit tribute cd here... notice that NEIL TURBIN sang on one song... FAITH - yes the George Michael cover that Limp Bizkit did.

HELOOOOOO it's a frickin Limp Bizkit tribute, not a George Michael tribute... that move made no sense, but I still want to hear it cos I haven't heard him on anything except Fistful of Metal.

A lot of times some of those bands that have greatest hits records (see Europe, White Lion, Winger, etc) have contracts that states so many albums to be released. If it's new studio material, live, rare or a best of package, they must honor it. That's why you'll see the White Lion greatest hits album in the stores.

and how many hits & live cds DOES Aerosmith need? Damn, I'm starting to lose count. I think they're one of the few bands that can actually put out a greatest hits album per decade.
I think it is totally stupid for having a greatest hits package put out after only a couple of records. It kinda cheapens what a greatest hit package is all about. SOme record labels just like to milk a group for all they can. It's all about the $$ and cents boys and girls.