OT: I prawn n00bs.

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MrFast said:
We might as well make a rule that bans the use of adjectives while we're at it.
Thank you for drawing the forum's collective attention to the similarity between an essential and universal grammatical device for describing things, and an inane method of misspelling words. I'm writing that one down in my big book of revelatory knowledge. It's in there right next to Intelligent Design.

Tubbs Mcgee said:
Yeah... that's my language. I wouldn't be able to go here without it...:erk:
How terrible.
kazahana said:
Thank you for drawing the forum's collective attention to the similarity between an essential and universal grammatical device for describing things, and an inane method of misspelling words. I'm writing that one down in my big book of revelatory knowledge. It's in there right next to Intelligent Design.

How terrible.

I can almost smell a 4 letter acronym coming up in response to this...
I'll go back to the basics, although Tubbs will probably have the time to answer this before I finish typing what I have to type. Back when the internet was just a baby, lots of people were talking on servers in something similar to the Symphony X chat and some wanted to talk about hacking. The admins or moderators didn't approve of this so these hackers were forced to invent a simple language to talk about hacking right under the admins noses. As the admins grew wise to this, the hackers were forced to make their simple language more complex and hard to decipher in order to keep conversing about hacking without the admins knowing what they were talking about. This language was named h4x0r, or haxor. 1337 is just one of the many words commonly used in this language, it was derived from the word "elite". Elite -> leet -> 1337, get it? Numbers and symbols are combined to form the appearance of letters in this language, for example: "MJR is an awesome guitarist". This sentence can become many things, my version would be
"/\/\J12 15 4I\I 4\/\/350/\/\3 6u174r157" I think it's clear enough now.
wow, thanks for the info MrFast. now i have another question: do people who 'speak' this 'language' actually take pride in it? if so...damn...
kazahana said:
Thank you for drawing the forum's collective attention to the similarity between an essential and universal grammatical device for describing things, and an inane method of misspelling words. I'm writing that one down in my big book of revelatory knowledge. It's in there right next to Intelligent Design.
:tickled: !!!
Jaen said:
wow, thanks for the info MrFast. now i have another question: do people who 'speak' this 'language' actually take pride in it? if so...damn...
Nobody starts speaking 1337 intentionally. It starts out using tiny abbreviations here and there and then it starts getting worse untill you've reached the point of no return like me and Tubbs. And yeah, I'm a proud nerd and virtuoso 1337sp33ker. Power to the nerd community! Elitism, my friends!
Thraxz said:
I say ban it, it's nothing but annoying.
I've seen how you talk to other people on this forum, and I would have to say that you are also very annoying. :)

MrFast said:
Nobody starts speaking 1337 intentionally. It starts out using tiny abbreviations here and there and then it starts getting worse untill you've reached the point of no return like me and Tubbs. And yeah, I'm a proud nerd and virtuoso 1337sp33ker. Power to the nerd community! Elitism, my friends!
STFU and enjoy:

w3 @re teh w1n!
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