OT: Ipod Love!

Evil C.

Jan 19, 2003
houston, tx
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Oh My God!

I just have to say I have fallen in love with my Ipod..........I convinced my dad to purchase mine, and I am upgrading to the 40 gig....

No more clumsily fumbling with cd's in the car. Just pick the band I want to hear, and voila. There it is...

I listen to mine while sleeping, driving, walking, sitting, shitting...It has become permanantly attached to my person...

If you are a huge music lover, you must save up and get one of these bad boys. Mine has everything from metal, rock, 60's, and everything else that I like on there....

Just had to get that out there.....

Evil C.
MP3s are for women and homosexuals. :loco:

Actually they wouldn't be bad for a car, the sound degradation shouldn't matter much since you already deal with road/engine/traffic noise. Maybe I'll get an MP3 deck for my car eventually...
Yep that's right. I'm a lesbian trapped in a man's body....

The sound degredation is not that bad with the Ipod. It actually ups it a little bit, but yeah, I know what you mean about the sound loss....

I am very much debating to get one now that I can fully integrate it into the MINI sound system. BMW is the first to have a full integration connection for their cars.

Have some questions for the owners... Can you categorize things by bands on it? And how easy is it to pull up a band when I want to listen to them?
You can catagorize by song, artist, album, composer and something else to (I dont have mine in front of me). Its all in alphabetical order too. pretty easy to find and bring up what your looking for.
I've been planning on getting one for a while too. However, I think I'd prefer to order one from the US, since they are high priced over here anyway, and with the favourable exchange rate I'd save quite a bit I think.

Firstly, are there any compatability issues that I need to know of, using a US ipod over here?

And secondly, where's a good US based on-line store to buy one from? That ships internationally.

I'm going to go ahead and guess here but I might very well fuck up:

1. 192
2. 128
3. CD

Oh, and what is it am I listening to anyway?
I did that game once, I could tell which was an mp3 v. a CD, but I think I missed the difference in bitrates. I'll try it again at home tonight, work speakers make everything sound like AM radio.
It's a clip from the third song of Magyar Posse's Kings of Time album.

The clips are in the same order as they were in my older thread, if you're talking about it, NAD?
Yep, your old thread (under a different account, no?). I remember something about Asian sluts and facials being a distractor of the game too, unless I'm just making this all up as I go along per usual.