OT - iPod...


May 29, 2011
Just got my first iPod in May, I know I'm like a decade late but I'm broke so :fu: :lol:

Anyway, any of you ever have a problem with your iPod where all of the songs just dissapear? This has happened to me twice now and I've only had it for a couple of months. I have to click on restore and it fixes itself but should I take it back or is this a normal occourance?
I've had my pod for 2 years and never had that issue (or any other). Sounds wrong to me. I'd be thinking about getting a replacement if it's under warranty.
I remember how I messed up my friend's ipod a few years ago, when I plugged it into my computer. Obviously, my itunes was on "sync", and all his files got fucked up - went into the oblivion. Since then I know that the "sync" option should be unchecked. If this is not your case you should take yours to an Apple store and get another one.
I fucking love my ipod! 160 gigs, and only 6 of them are free. More than 27,000 tracks. You can go driving around the whole country and never listen to the same song twice...
P.S. Yeah, and Happy 4th of July to all the Americans and sympathizers!!!:kickass::kickass::kickass:
I remember how I messed up my friend's ipod a few years ago, when I plugged it into my computer. Obviously, my itunes was on "sync", and all his files got fucked up - went into the oblivion. Since then I know that the "sync" option should be unchecked. If this is not your case you should take yours to an Apple store and get another one.
I fucking love my ipod! 160 gigs, and only 6 of them are free. More than 27,000 tracks. You can go driving around the whole country and never listen to the same song twice...
P.S. Yeah, and Happy 4th of July to all the Americans and sympathizers!!!:kickass::kickass::kickass:

its quite annoying how everything has to be synced,i dont know why apple make it that way,i have an iphone so dont really have need for ipod although im yet to put songs on mine.
Just got my first iPod in May, I know I'm like a decade late but I'm broke so :fu: :lol:

Anyway, any of you ever have a problem with your iPod where all of the songs just dissapear? This has happened to me twice now and I've only had it for a couple of months. I have to click on restore and it fixes itself but should I take it back or is this a normal occourance?

It sounds as if something is not right with your IPod. That has never happened to mine, and the fact that you can fix it by restoring pretty much prooves that it's got nothing to do with the sync function.

I recommend that you go to the itunes website an send a description to apple, with the serial number of your IPod added. See what they say. Maybe they tell you to take it back to the shop, In which case you can print out the email you receive from them an take it with you so to avoid a discussion with the folks at the shop.
Thanks everybody! I figured it had to be out of the ordinary. I'll work on getting a new one!

Here's to ya! :kickass:
i had an ipod but i switched to zune since it seemed to have trouble with windows and my xbox. this was a few years ago mind you. but yeah the same thing happened to me. i googled it and most people attributed it to the current software version. I restored it to factory settings (which will also wipe everything) and reinstalled the software. put all my tunes back on it and didn't have that problem again.
Later it froze up and I couldn't restart it. I exchanged it for a zune and never had one single problem.
I've liked Samsung phones (Wave :worship:) for years, and I have a Creative mp3-player that's like five years old but that's enough for me. I'm not gonna listen to 200 albums of music at the same time, 1gb's good for me.
I've liked Samsung phones (Wave :worship:) for years, and I have a Creative mp3-player that's like five years old but that's enough for me. I'm not gonna listen to 200 albums of music at the same time, 1gb's good for me.

I'm generally quite fond of Samsung for some reason.
I'm also quite fond of the Ipod. When I'm driving I enjoy setting the ipod to random and just listen to the songs that pop up of the 12.000 that are stored on there.
I'm against I-everything.

For once I will agree with you!:worship:

I refuse to purchase any Apple products.

I use my droid phone for my music and it works just as good as an ipod and you don't have to have it connected to itunes in order to put songs on it. Just drag and drop.

I-pod has too many restrictions, too many limitations.