OT - Kiss Hanks Ass

Memonote: God, Ron Hubbard, Jahve, Shiva and Allah need to suck Arg Hamsters penis. He will then reward them with a cumshot and if they bring beer and coke he will give them like... hmmm... stuff in their next life or after death or something! YOU ARE NOT HERE TO ASK QUESTIONS!

If they have taken the shape of Tuva Novotny before the fellatio the might be something extra in it for them but remember - The ways of Arg Hamster are not for imaginary angry men with beards (or dead guys with John Travoltas money in their bankaccount) to understand.

Arg Hamster enjoys talking in third person. He should start a religion. Would that rock? Yes, I belive so.
My other self had no contact with his universal godness Arg Hamster at the time but since he is a friendly god you are allowed to think for yourself as long as you send him your money!

I'll send you all the money I've got...by the way, I have no money!:lol: