OT: METAL bars in CHicago


Time to Play
May 11, 2003
Cleveland, Ohio U.S.A.
Visit site

I will be in Chicago next week Tuesday for the Food Expo. Any metal bars I could visit in Downtown Chicago?



I'd be in to hard rock/metal and the World Series will probably be on.

One other guy i am travelling with would be into going. I thought this would be fun.


I am not sure if it is too late or ho wlong you were in town but I can recommend 2 for ya. There is Neo's which I recommended to Mickee Dee after the last Motorhead show. There is Metal Monday's there. To get there you walk down an alley-like walk way and then you get inside and it is very dark and kind of dungeon-ish. When I make my way out to the city that is a good spot to hang. http://metalmondays.com/
There is also the The Exit. They have a couple of nice young ladies on thurs. night to chain you to the wall and abuse you. Good any day of the week.
Hmmm.. Night Cap's has metal bands in there on weekends sometimes. Bellodonna played there and so did Armored Saint. Anybody in any of those bars could tell you where else to go....
Rock On dude!!:rock:
HEy DD, Chicago was fun. I drank, I ate, I drank, I drank. I didn't get my buddy to go with me to any good metal bars, but we had fun anyways. Now I know where to go at least. i am certain I will make it back again.

How have you been? Drinking I hope and Spanking the skorned1?