OT: Nevermore in Hamburg...


HCAF crusher
Jul 2, 2006
i'm not the biggest disturbed fan, i gotta admit, but i've been on the guestlist, so i went to see the nevermore/disturbed show in hamburg yesterday.....

damn, i still can't believe what i had to see there!!
about 5% of the audience seem to have been there 'cause of nevermore, most of them came with me ;)
the rest was below 20 years, wearing baggypants, stupid glasses and a haircut like that:

(with black hair, tho)

i'm really feeling pitty for nevermore!

first band (don't even know the name) was the gayest thing i've ever seen!!
the guitarist (probably just got his first pubic hair) had a bodyshape like a fat woman and he and the bassplayer looked and acted like they rather want to be in a nirvana-coverband, but are just too young to know nirvana, so the make metal/emo-core.
(the drummer looked a bit like a metalhead though, but i think he was misguided).

then nevermore entered and most (95%) of the audience didn't even know who nevermore is, i bet.
the sound was bad, but nevermore played a good gig. (there've been some major timing issues, but if the sound on stage was only half as bad as FOH it's a miracle how they did it without totally screwing it up)

so the audience couldn't really hear what nevermore is about, so they assumed it's a emo/metalcore band, too.
they acted like wannabe bruce lees on coke or they didn't react at all.

when warrel asked "how many of you know our new cd? " the rection was pretty funny/embarassing, too.

poor thing.

how long is this metalcore-thing going on? have never seen that kind of people on a metalshow before.
5 years ago people like that would never have dared to go to a metal show!! (besides the fact, that 5 years ago most of them where like 12 years old or so).


they impaired almost the entire stage with blanket-covered disturbed gear, and put the nevermore stuff in front of it, so they had hardly any space to move.

it was a shame!
nevermore don't deserve that!



what's going on in the "metal-scene"???
when someone asks me what kind of music i listen to, can i still say "metal!" without being ashamed?
While I don't have much prejudice about the looks of the audience, that looks actually relate to "teen metal" kinda bands and scene.
The german "band" you mention is awful, I can only say bad thing about them as I suffer them on TV being played lot of times ( viva is one of them)

Maybe I sound a little too "old fashioned", but that new audience is ruining the essence on many bands, as record labels press bands to aim those kids.
On a sider note, those kids are the ones that are economically suporting the metal scene, fag or not.
I also saw Nevermore here in Helsinki a couple of weeks ago. The sound was really terrible IMO... what a disappointment. They also fucked up a couple of songs :-D, but they handled it very well and just started laughing at themselves.
I saw nevermore headline in Gothenburg this tuesday and my conclusions were;
-Krank sucks bigtime, Brodericks sound blew Jeff right out of the mix.
-Broderick is wasting his talent in Jag Panzer
-Seeing Nevermore three times in one year isn't enough
-Warrel's a pretty funny guy when he's in the mood for it!
The problem is, the most teenagers are posers (I know that, I am a teenager myself :D ) and they think they are sooo fuckin' metal if they have an emo haircut, listen to bullet for my vallentine and wear chucks.
I'm listening to metal since I'm 7 years old, had long hairs, wore metal-shirts, leatherjackets, boots but now my hair is short, the t-shirts turned from bloody and dark to more "mainstream" style and the boots and leatherjacket are in my closet, the reason? It looked soooo bad on me, you wouldn't believe!
I'm still listening to metal, playing guitar since 10 years, played in different bands, singing in a Death Metal band at the moment and those little posers treat me like a 50 year old man who thinks led zeppelin is the most evil band in the world.
I heard some little girls a few days ago talking about Tokio Hotel, that german band from LSDs post, and the one girl said to the other "they are so cool, so heavy, they play real hardrock" and those 2 girls looked like they never ever had heard a song like "immigrant song" or "hells bells", I hope you understand what I mean.

About Nevermore, I wanted to see them last year (I think it was last year) but I had no money...

And now I will show you the most brutal death metal band EVER!!!
Stef, I agree with you in parts - the way I look and dress now is not your stereotypical metal-head at all. Got basically a skin head, wear quite expensive clothes (compared to band shirts etc) but I still know my stuff, and arguably know more about metal than your average m-head. I find it annoying when people say they dress a certain way to be unique - yet they all look the same as each other. Having said that, I couldn't give a flying one about the way people dress as long as they are happy.
StefTD said:
I heard some little girls a few days ago talking about Tokio Hotel, that german band from LSDs post, and the one girl said to the other "they are so cool, so heavy, they play real hardrock" and those 2 girls looked like they never ever had heard a song like "immigrant song" or "hells bells", I hope you understand what I mean.

There was a time when hardcore was sort of metalpunk, not housemusic.:Puke:
don't get me wrong, i don't really care how someone looks, as long as it's real.
i'm not running around in leatherpant all day myself anymore and i don't like those wannabe evil gothic-look on women etc, it's just that this emo-look induces the urge to puke!

not because the look itself or because i care about looks, but just because it wants to say "i'm metal(core)" and stands agains everything that metal is.

i respect any jeans wearing white shirt-guy (like myself sometimes ;) ), that's listening to metal,you def. don't have to wear metalshirts and leatherpants, but i HATE that emo-style, not because of it's look, but just because of the fags wearing it.
I think the 'hardcore dancing' shit is really ridiculous. Whenever I see someone doing that shit, I just want to beat their ass. :rock: Sorry kind of OT, but I see a lot of the 'teen metal' kids you mention doing that and it really pisses me off.

I also saw Nevermore a few years ago and it seemed like only the few dudes who came with me were all that was really into it. I forget who else was on the bill though.
Machinated said:
Stef, I agree with you in parts - the way I look and dress now is not your stereotypical metal-head at all. Got basically a skin head, wear quite expensive clothes (compared to band shirts etc) but I still know my stuff, and arguably know more about metal than your average m-head. I find it annoying when people say they dress a certain way to be unique - yet they all look the same as each other. Having said that, I couldn't give a flying one about the way people dress as long as they are happy.
My looks aren't the typical metal look, I just go with jeans and some good shirt, no band thing since I was 19 (I have 28 actually), short hair and beard, I look like a media markt seller actually :lol:
What I said was just the fact that those looks make most guys think about my chemical romance and overall faggotry...I just don't care about looks since they never meant anything by the way.
Besides, all of us sacrificed some of our "looks" when the real life ( jobs) stroke our mindsets.