OT: New Records


New Metal Member
May 6, 2001
Not really about Opeth here. I was wondering if anyone has heard the new Arch Enemy or Bal Sagoth. I know, quite different from Opeth, but hey, there's a Tool thread! :) I hope you don't mind.

The new Arch Enemy is pretty good. Some might not even notice that they have a female vocalist now, as she growls pretty well. Some good riffage, solos, chunky stuff, but I don't think it's as good as their last.

Bal Sagoth...Don't know if they're an acquired taste or not. Very interesting to say the least. I loved their last, this is pretty much more of the same. Insane really.

NP: Tool - Lateralus
Bal Sagoth - Atlantis Ascendant
Arch Enemy - Wages of Sin
Opeth - MayH (might be their best)

I bought "Battle Magic" a long time ago, and I couldn't stand it, the guys voice (Bryon I think his name is) was just to much for me. I have never listened to anything besides that, is Atlantis Ascendant any good? I guess I will get a couple MP3's to see. Haven't heard the new Arch Enemy yet either although I have heard pretty good things about the new vocalist, i'm getting slow!