
Mar 22, 2005
Mt. Olympus
News has hit me that Isaac Hayes has left sounth park due to the fact that he (being a scientologist) was offended by the scientology episode...That makes 2 classic characters ruined this season (which wasnt that good to begin with). Your thoughts?
I think it's ridiculous considering how many other religions, races, and so on, have been made fun of on South Park. So he suddenly gets a conscience attack when they (after TEN years) come after HIS religion? Give me a break--with ten years of KNOWING what this show was, he should've been smart enough to see it coming.
Rose Immortal said:
I think it's ridiculous considering how many other religions, races, and so on, have been made fun of on South Park. So he suddenly gets a conscience attack when they (after TEN years) come after HIS religion? Give me a break--with ten years of KNOWING what this show was, he should've been smart enough to see it coming.

I seen the episode. It was more mockery than humor. They had "this is what scientologists actually believe" flashing in the bottom of the screen as if it is completely bogus and absurd (which I believe it is by the way).

I thought having a statue of a Virgin Mary bleeding out of her privates as far more disturbing than the scientology episode.
Futurama, Family Guy and The Simpsons pwn South Park... So I couldn't care less I guess. I also think religion is for unhappy people. Hurray for believing in nothing!
south park is nice in that it's not just another clone of the other popular cartoons. the social commentary is good and there's actually a good, thought-provoking message/moral to most episodes, something the simpsons ditched a while ago.
Rose Immortal said:
I think it's ridiculous considering how many other religions, races, and so on, have been made fun of on South Park. So he suddenly gets a conscience attack when they (after TEN years) come after HIS religion? Give me a break--with ten years of KNOWING what this show was, he should've been smart enough to see it coming.
I find it rediculous that none of the Token jokes got to him but the second scientology was mentioned he flips
Beelzebub said:
Those scientologists are some pretty weird people. It's like a cult.
No...its a religion based on a sci-fi writer's works....i repeat, a RELIGION based on science FICTION writers work's
Who cares. (A statement, not a question.) The show was completely worthless after the second season anyhow.
Season 8 had little to nothing for me to enjoy. I dont feel like naming the ones I did enjoy. Too lazy to think of 'em.