OT/: Sorry to all Swedes!


May 15, 2004
Being a Dane, I feel I must apologize to all Swedes, for this disgraceful end of the game tonight! I´m pretty sure that everybody else than swedes and danes can not imagine how shameful this is for us now! I´m pretty much in tears now!!!
Be sure that the "fan" who did this will be dead tomorrow when he is released!!!!!!!!!!! I´m pretty sure that alot of people are gonna wanna pay him a visit! Danish newspapers are right now putting out rewards for the guy´s name and address!
European Championship Football qualification match between Denmark and Sweden tonight!
Sweden came up with 3-0, but we came back to 3-3.... Then it all went wrong!
Denmark rallied from 3-0 down to draw 3-3 with Sweden in a Euro 2008 qualifier on Saturday which was abandoned in the 89th minute when a fan attacked referee Herbert Fandel after he awarded the visitors a penalty.

Damn, what a horrible thing to do.