OT/: Sorry to all Swedes!


May 15, 2004
Being a Dane, I feel I must apologize to all Swedes, for this disgraceful end of the game tonight! I´m pretty sure that everybody else than swedes and danes can not imagine how shameful this is for us now! I´m pretty much in tears now!!!
Be sure that the "fan" who did this will be dead tomorrow when he is released!!!!!!!!!!! I´m pretty sure that alot of people are gonna wanna pay him a visit! Danish newspapers are right now putting out rewards for the guy´s name and address!
I am an American and have no idea what the fuck happened, but want to know anyway! Details post-haste!!
Denmark and Sweden played a European Championship qualification match against each other tonight.
Sweden went up with 3-1 in the first half, but Denmark came back to 3-3 in the second half.
Then.... 1 minute to go, Poulsen, a Dane, had a fucking brain seizure, and punched a Swedish player in the stomach, and was presented with a deserved red card.
Thats when things went wrong!
A Danish "fan" ran onto the pitch and almost punched the referee, before a few Danish players got him away.
The referee then decided to end the game....

This probably means that Sweden is gonna win the game by 3-0!
Had it been against any other nation, a 3-0 defeat would probably be bearable, but NOT AGAINST FUCKING SWEDEN!!!

That´s why this guy is gonna fucking die!!!
Shame... I'd root for Denmark since they have my man Agger playing there, and I still remember the great danish team of 1984...
Don't be be too devastated, Miltbrand - a bad apple can be found in any barrell...
Shame some fans can't separate football from violence. Sure passion runs high but at the end of the day its still football.

Wonder if UEFA will do more than just dock points and a hefty fine?
Inga problem Miltbrand! Lyssnade på matchen på radion, Danmark hade just gjort 3-3 och jävlar vad attityden vid parken steg.

Vad jag vet så bor "supportern" i Göteborg, han lär ju få flytta. Tur för honom att han inte bor i Stockholm, där är supporterligorna och attityden inte lika gemytlig och förlåtande som i Göteborg.

Jag är mest ledsen att Danmark kanske inte får spela i EM nu. Jävla idiot som förstörde matchen. UEFA har ju som policy att straffa hårt nät publik och supportrar inte uppträder som man ska.

Hoppas svenskan är lättläst!

Sweden versus Denmark in football has up to now always been great. People party and the national teams really give it all. Swedes carrying Danebrogen (the Danish flag) and Danes with Swedish pins or scarfs. A lot of people on both sides of Öresund are very unhappy and shocked today. It´s a shame, but there will be other games!

My guess is that Denmark will play for empty arenas. The Danish Football Association said that the guy will be held personally responsible and have to pay the fee from his own pocket.
Shame some fans can't separate football from violence.

Violence is the only way to make long-ass games with low scores interesting and keep people from falling asleep.

Personally I could not sit through a soccer match without some soccer hooligan starting a mob riot.
I'm afraid it could be a long and useless discussion... The score isn't everything in this game...

Yes it is. Handing the opposing team a severe beating with a huge score is everything!!

Watching a bunch of people just passing the ball back and fourth is dull as hell. I'd rather watch my cat fart.
I see UEFA have branded Liverpool fans the worse in Europe.

Yep I mean when was the last time a Liverpool fan threw a flair at a ref (Inter), had to play a game behind closed doors (a lot of Serie A clubs of late), got involved in a fight with riot police (Mancs in Rome).

Complete and utter bullshit from UEFA in retaliation for our justifiable comments on their utter piss poor organisation of the Athens final the other week.

Sure some of our fans are idiots - a minority who stole tickets from their own fans and also caused other trouble - but you get that at every club. But to label us the worst? GO ROGER YOURSELF UEFA!!!

Don't they think we have learnt the lesson of Heysel (RIP to the 39 for last week's anniverssary BTW ).