Anthrax stopped being "Metal" with the release of Stomp 442 including a new bandlogo, songs like "Nothing", "Bare", "Toast To The Extras", "Harms Way", "Hog Tied", "Big Phat", "Alpha Male", "Stealing From A Thief", "Pieces", "Superhero", "Refuse To Be Denied", "Safe Home", "Caddilac Rock Box", "Taking The Music Back", "Think About An End", "WCFYA" are Dumbasses definition of METAL.
i remember reading an interview with Scott Ian in german Metal Hammer-magazine in '94 and Scott said something like "Heavy Metal? when i think about Heavy Metal then i think about the year 1981, that was a long time ago when Anthrax was a Metal-band, you can call it "Hard Rock", just call it "Rock", to me we're just a Rock 'n' Roll-band".
and in 2003 they used guitar-picks with "Metal = Anthrax" printed on, i would call this a problem of identity.