OT: Storage solutions for large CD collection? (U.S.)

Rose Immortal

Spirit of Hope
Jun 19, 2004
Hey, I have a question...for those of you with large CD collections in the U.S., what have you done to store them all? Any furniture models you can think of that are within a reasonable budget?

I currently own 279 CDs, but I fully expect that to keep growing. Already I've well exceeded the CD holder I have, and I've got many CDs living in a storage case under my bed (soon to take over another one).

I say U.S. only because I don't want to order stuff from overseas regardless of how well-made and attractive it might be. What can I say...I'm a tightwad. ;)
I had to stick a couple of hundred down in the garage this last weekend. Getting closer to 2000 cds and the mrs wants to go for a more minimalist approach in the furniture/storage dept.....so a fair chunk of 80's hard rock now lives in my garage and based on my laziness factor will probably not get played for some time.
Well what i did was i built my own shelf, with shelf sizes adapted perfectly to the size of a cd. It wasn't hard at all, i had a local firm saw out customly sized wood for it which i could assemble with a screwdriver myself. Very cheap too, takes little space and has room for surely 1000 cd's.
this pic was from that thread awhile ago. it's a great idea for storing CDs. I got the same thing, only not as big. Plus you can find them at any Office Max or Office Depot or wahtever, and they're cheap as hell.

What would you guys recommend for a more portable CD housing solution? What kind of CD folders do you guys use?

I'm planning on keeping all of my discs and booklets in a binder-type thing, and the cases in a box for easy storage.
What would you guys recommend for a more portable CD housing solution? What kind of CD folders do you guys use?

I'm planning on keeping all of my discs and booklets in a binder-type thing, and the cases in a box for easy storage.

I REFUSE to use ANY kind of binder system. Those things are hard on your discs, and I usually make cd-rs to take with me in the car. my store bought cds NEVER leave the house.
