OT: Studio Ghost Stories anyone?


Self Portrait
Jul 19, 2005
Heres a different topic for ya.
A while ago on a recording forum posters shared studio ghost stories.
Since it's Friday the 13th, I figure today would be a good day to ask you guys.
Anyone have any?
We used to live and record in this haunted house in Minneapolis.

Aside from the usual footsteps and stuff from upstairs, or wierd "presences," we'd get these really cool noises that sounded like dolphins or whalesong when we'd jam in between songs (or that's when we could hear them, I should say).

But of course, they'd never record. :erk:
One time I was working with a band and before they could play they had to paint a pentagram on the floor in the blood of a virgin and summon Satan to give them his power. After that they went to grab some food and then Satan appeared before me as an omnipotent being. He bummed a dollar for the candy machine off of me, I think he got a box of Red Hots.

Lopes said:
One time I was working with a band and before they could play they had to paint a pentagram on the floor in the blood of a virgin and summon Satan to give them his power. After that they went to grab some food and then Satan appeared before me as an omnipotent being. He bummed a dollar for the candy machine off of me, I think he got a box of Red Hots.

You should have had him lay down some vocal tracks! :D
Sometimes, I hear dead people...o_O

Especialy through the amp when using a crybaby...

They speak german...

Oh wait, that's the AM broadcast :tickled:
Sorry, I should have warned you that was pretty sick... But the worst thing is that it got even creepier after... because, believe it or not, he was keeping up the tempo... I can feel the cold breathe of death in my scruff when I think about it again...
Brett - K A L I S I A said:
Sorry, I should have warned you that was pretty sick... But the worst thing is that it got even creepier after... because, believe it or not, he was keeping up the tempo... I can feel the cold breathe of death in my scruff when I think about it again...
Solid drummer that can tune his own drums? That's just an old wives' tale. It's like when you believe in the easter bunny or the sasquatch.
Now for a real story...

I was practicing in this strange basement beneath a print shop for about a year. BACKMASK was sharing the spot with a blues artist who occasionally lived there when he fell on "hard times." He told us when we moved in that he felt a presence in there when he was by himself playing guitar late at night.

Well, for a few months, BACKMASK started a (misguided) recording project in there, with my iBook and MOTU 828, and some ghetto mics. We were tracking drums (very badly) and every time I'd go back to my 828, the knobs would be twisted in different positions (that I didn't put them in.) This later started happening with the knobs on my Flextone II head. There was also a strange power problem in this building, without Furman line regulators, virtually nothing worked properly, even some analog stuff.

Eventually my drummer started noticing a strange dampness forming above his drum set on the roof, and he had repeat visions out of the corner of his eye of somebody hanging themselves above the drumset.

We'd freak ourselves out pretty well during the late nights, and the blues guitarist had put a life size cardboard cutout of a Stormtrooper from Star Wars in the bathroom. One night we had the lights extra dim for a "vibe" during practice. I got so freaked out about the ghost that night, that I ended up kicking the Stormtrooper because I thought it was the ghost.

I'm happy to not be practicing there anymore, but the ghost was at least mostly of the friendly/prankster variety. Our recordings from that spot sound horrendous.
When my first hardcore band recorded our CD ( I was 16), we recorded at this local place that had done recordings for bands we knew.

After tracking this one song, there was an unexplainable sound during the end. Almost like a faint moaning, or someone saying something in a sobbing voice. That's the best way for me to describe it.

After listening back, none of us, including the engineer could figure out what it was. We just left it like that!! lol He then told us some ghost stories...I can't remember this very well, but it had something to do with seeing some dude with a wheel barrow walking down the hall, something like that. Crazy!!

Once i was in the control room and all of a sudden a voice echoes coming from the empty other room. I grabbed the chair right behind me and shouted "Who´s there ???" (now i would pay to see my face at that moment : ) and kicked the door into the vocal room ! It was the guitar amp pickup up am radio lol
Kazrog said:
Now for a real story...

I got so freaked out about the ghost that night, that I ended up kicking the Stormtrooper because I thought it was the ghost.

Dude, you should learn to let your life be influenced by more tangible things: Like fortune cookies! :D :D :D :D
I don't have any ghost stories.... I put ghosts right up there with Santa Claus, The Easter Bunny and bass players who change thier strings.

I did have one of my tube preamps inexplicably catch fire though. That scared the shit out of me & my clients. Sorry, but nothing supernatural about it: A capacitor dried out & cracked. The preamp passed 450 volts thru that particular component & therefore caught fire. Scary nonetheless. BTW, it was a Peavey VMP2... a really great piece of gear & I had 3 of them at one time.

I used to work in a venue that was built in the !920s originally as a boys club. There was a room above the dressing rooms that used to be a chaple and one side of the building just felt wrong. Who ever was locking up last thing always felt in a real hurry to get out. Basically once 1000 people left an old building and it starts to cool down and the lights, bar pumps and air con go off it creaks and makes noises.
Having said this it was still a creepy old place and various people still claim to have seen a small boy a cat or an old woman, all of whom date back to when it was a boys club. I never saw anything myself but along with 3 other we did trap a late night intruder in a corner to find that despite all the noise he made no one was there. Also one night after packing up one of the managers said she had seen the old woman sat on the balcony watching us while we worked.
But like I said, I never saw anything and still dont believe in ghosts.
(but I still wouldnt go in there alone at night these days)

WooAAhhh ha ha
About a year ago, I was tracking the guitar player of my band... we're sitting in the control room, both with headphones on, listening to the last take... done with that, we prepare to record another one, the mics are live, and then we heard a sound... I don't know how to describe it... like catching a passing demon's breath... both of us froze at the same time and just looked at each other... it was fokken scary... afterwards, we were bummed because I wasn't recording at the time... that sound would've been so cool just about anywhere...