in all honesty, Belladonna's voice is closer to Dickinson's than John's. both can't hold a candle to metal-vocalists like Rob Halford, Bruce Dickinson or Eric Adams.
WOW!!!! Iron Maiden gave Adelaide 2 hours of pure magic. Amazing. Great set too. Some real surprises and omissions.

No Run to the Hills. No Wrathchild. No Powerslave. Nothing off Matter of Life or Death. Nothing off Somewhere in Time. Nothing off Piece of Mind.
They did Running Free though which was great!
Lots of stuff of Final Frontier.

Memory is a bit vague but.

Final Frontier
El Dorado
2 Minutes to Midnight
Where the wild wind blows
Dance of Death
The evil that men do
Hallowed be thy name
Blood Brothers
Iron Maiden
Number of the Beast
Running Free

As I said I think there were more but my memory is shit these days (Getting old). As usual they didn't miss a beat.

Thank you Iron Maiden. THANK YOU.
WOW!!!! Iron Maiden gave Adelaide 2 hours of pure magic. Amazing. Great set too. Some real surprises and omissions.

No Run to the Hills. No Wrathchild. No Powerslave. Nothing off Matter of Life or Death. Nothing off Somewhere in Time. Nothing off Piece of Mind.
They did Running Free though which was great!
Lots of stuff of Final Frontier.

Memory is a bit vague but.

Final Frontier
El Dorado
2 Minutes to Midnight
Where the wild wind blows
Dance of Death
The evil that men do
Hallowed be thy name
Blood Brothers
Iron Maiden
Number of the Beast
Running Free

As I said I think there were more but my memory is shit these days (Getting old). As usual they didn't miss a beat.

Thank you Iron Maiden. THANK YOU.

I think that song The Talisman is the best song Maiden has made since anything from 7th son. I get the chills watching them perform that song on Youtube. That song "Coming Home" too is amazing live.
Final Frontier
El Dorado
2 Minutes to Midnight
Where the wild wind blows
Dance of Death
The evil that men do
Hallowed be thy name
Blood Brothers
Iron Maiden
Number of the Beast
Running Free


They did The Trooper, Wickerman, and Fear of the Dark too from memory. (At least I'm sure they did the Trooper)....def the other 2. Amazing show.
Final Frontier
El Dorado
2 Minutes to Midnight
Where the wild wind blows
Dance of Death
The evil that men do
Hallowed be thy name
Blood Brothers
Iron Maiden
Number of the Beast
Running Free


They did The Trooper, Wickerman, and Fear of the Dark too from memory. (At least I'm sure they did the Trooper)....def the other 2. Amazing show.

Correct and also Coming Home off Final Frontier.

Amazing that despite being in their 50s they played non stop for 2 hours and didn't miss a beat. Adrian & Dave make it look so effortless at times.

Bruce is probably the fittest leader singer/pilot/former fencer/author on the planet surely?
Bruce is probably the fittest leader singer/pilot/former fencer/author on the planet surely?

I don't think he will ever get the recognition he deserves from mainstream society. But Bruce Dickinson is definitely a freak of nature. It is truly amazing and insane what this man is able to do. Many vocalists his age can barely even stand up yet alone run around a stage and climb ramps and stairs.... He basically works out for 2 hours straight on stage and then showers and goes and fly's a freakin jumbo jet. I don't know anyone even in their 20' - 30's that can do that every night.

And with all of this said his voice is just godlike live. I really don't know how he does it. But thank god he does because it is truly a special event every time Maiden goes onto the stage.
I think they pretty much keep themselves in shape by flying home right after the show when they play Europe (in the USA probably not, but I'm not sure). I remember reading that in an interview. No getting wasted in hotel rooms, two hours after the show they can sleep in their own beds.
Well documented and even on their live DVDs how they stated they stopped their partying late nights a long time ago. The fact is too the guys never were hardcore drug takers or drinkers by the sounds of it. Maybe a few in their younger days but they've always seemed to be smart about keeping themselves relatively healthy.

Bruce makes me tired just looking at him and he's got a good 15+ years on me.