Other Favorites


That one guy
Nov 10, 2010
So, I'd imagine since you all browse the COBHC forum to some extent, that COB would be up there on your "good bands" list, for most of you anyway. What are some other favorite bands of the lovely patrons to the forum? Or what's out there that should get more attention that you might dig?

Maybe we can find some new good music to hold us over till March 3rd. Not that I would personally, but maybe for others, based on your responses. Maybe someone around here has some other musical gold that may appeal to the vast number of members here.

I expect this thread to go nowhere, so all hate comments are wonderfully accepted. :D

And to get things started, some of my other favorites would be:

Opeth (Folk/Death prog metal)
Unexpect (Avant-garde metal)
Dream Theater (Prog)
Seventh Wonder (Prog)
Sikth (Technical Metal)
Cynic (Jazz-Metal-Prog)

I've been in quite an Avant-garde/prog mood lately..personally.
This thread may be quite a mixed bag. :D
wat the fuck? its not like there aint no music thread around here.
Actually I enjoy many genre's of music, I just figured that this is a metal forum, it'd be more appropriate. I meant for this to be all genre's of music, But you're right. Not about what I like though. Don't be so quick to judge :D, I'm a pretty open guy when it comes to music. I'll just let the thread die.

Thank you for the reccomendation though.
What is this Children of Bodom you speak of?

I haven't listened to CoB for years, and the one reason I keep coming to this forum is the fact that they're rarely mentioned...