Other Instruments


Tyrant in Distress
On my way to work, I was listening to Fifth Reason's new CD, and on Mourning Glory they play some horns during part of the song. It got me thinking about how some metal bands incorporate different instruments (i.e. other than bass, drums, guitar, vocals, keyboards) and how cool it is when done right. Another good example of using horns is Sculptured, the first song on Apollo Ends (I can't recall the title). I don't know why, but they sound damn cool and add a uniqueness to the music that is missing in so many bands.

What are some of the coolest or weirdest other instruments y'all have heard incorporated into a metal song?
hmm a few years ago I saw a concert on TV. There was a band with two bagpipes players. I can't remember the name. But it sounded damn cool, was a kind of Folk Metal or something. I love bagpipes :D

anyone knows the name of the band?
I was gonna say John Davis' bagpipes in Korn, but I get the feeling I'd be hung from a tree for it... :)
There's a melodic death metal band called Cul who I've just reviewed for the site (the review's up now, folks) who incorporate a cello into some of their songs. It sounds really good!
Isn't there a hurdy-gurdy on Metallica's 'The Memory Remains' too?
Originally posted by locutos
hmm a few years ago I saw a concert on TV. There was a band with two bagpipes players. I can't remember the name. But it sounded damn cool, was a kind of Folk Metal or something. I love bagpipes :D

anyone knows the name of the band?

In Extremo, perhaps? They sing in German, and have dual bagpipes.

In response to the actual question:

Otyg: Jews Harp, Violin, Flute

Shape of Despair: Flute on one album, and a Violin/Oboe combination on the next

Left Hand Solution used a Diggeriedoo in one track, but not accompanying any metal... more as a prelude to the metal.
I think the gathering uses a didgeridoo and a theremin on their how to measure a planet album.

Didgeridoo is a cool sounding instrument. It looks like a large weed pipe :D
Originally posted by Drexle

In Extremo, perhaps? They sing in German, and have dual bagpipes.

No wasn't them. They had melodies like Fintroll, partly kinda freaky, guitars stayed in the background. I'm not sure if they had a singer anyway... ;)
I think it is a Diggeriedoo at the beginning of Alchemist "Organasm", but I don't really know what a Diggeriedoo is for sure.

Of course, we also have bands like Therion, After Forever, and others that use orchestral arrangements, inlcuding violins, flutes, harpsicords, etc. I played some Therion for my friend's dad, who is a big classical music buff, and he enjoyed it thoroughly.

Another one I really enjoy is the bell, such as in Metallica's "For Whom the Bell Tolls" and Flotsam and Jetsam's "P.A.A.B.". It's a small touch, but it really works well.
Originally posted by locutos

No wasn't them. They had melodies like Fintroll, partly kinda freaky, guitars stayed in the background. I'm not sure if they had a singer anyway... ;)

If you figure out who it was, let me know. I have a soft spot for bagpipes.