

Oct 28, 2010
Under Aurora Borealis
The best folk metal music ever, for many years i am enjoying in music of Otyg and wish to see and hear something new.. is there any chance of recording new album?
Probably many asked the same, but i am huge fan of Otyg, something about this band is just amazing, and i can't stop hoping for new album..

We can talk here about this band, i didn't found their forum, is there any forum/group about Otyg on internet? I am interested in everything about them. This amazing music will never die. :grin:

The best folk metal music ever, for many years i am enjoying in music of Otyg and wish to see and hear something new.. is there any chance of recording new album?
Probably many asked the same, but i am huge fan of Otyg, something about this band is just amazing, and i can't stop hoping for new album..

We can talk here about this band, i didn't found their forum, is there any forum/group about Otyg on internet? I am interested in everything about them. This amazing music will never die. :grin:


Most (if not all) of us here are huge Otyg fans as well, but the real thing is that Otyg is dead. Andreas said 'twas 'on hold' but taking into the account the new projects and directions those bands have taken, I think it's a safe thought to think that there won't be a new album, at least it's the best way to see the current status of the band IMO.

Draugen has a website with some Otyg and Vintersorg stuff:

Thanks for the link, i knew for that site but in time i lost the link.. great texts and downloads.

Status ''on hold'' is what gives me hope..

Otyg is beautiful pagan folk metal, so much different then many other bands in genre today that try to be evil/dangerous looking and agressive. I think that is one of the reasons why i love it so much. It is deep, melodic but again strong and direct music. Other is, of course, because it's Vintersorg's project. Beside this one, i love Waterclime, great proggy music.
Thanks for the link, i knew for that site but in time i lost the link.. great texts and downloads.

Status ''on hold'' is what gives me hope..

Otyg is beautiful pagan folk metal, so much different then many other bands in genre today that try to be evil/dangerous looking and agressive. I think that is one of the reasons why i love it so much. It is deep, melodic but again strong and direct music. Other is, of course, because it's Vintersorg's project. Beside this one, i love Waterclime, great proggy music.

yeah i totally get you!
i've searched longly for something like otyg, but never found anything similar. they are so fresh and involving, so direct and melodious. i love how some songs sound like pure happiness, and some other are really profound and sad. i love both faces of the band.
Otyg makes me feel like writing short stories and novels about a guy who wanders through forests and mountains and, leaving the modern world behind, enters secret world of fairies, trolls, gnomes and other creatures. And then he is somewhere in between two worlds. Already seen many times, i know, but thats what i feel when i listen this music. Similiar feeling i get when i listen Ulver's Bergtatt.
Otyg makes me feel like writing short stories and novels about a guy who wanders through forests and mountains and, leaving the modern world behind, enters secret world of fairies, trolls, gnomes and other creatures. And then he is somewhere in between two worlds. Already seen many times, i know, but thats what i feel when i listen this music. Similiar feeling i get when i listen Ulver's Bergtatt.

Yes, this is true about Otyg's music :) it Is very magical in that way!