

Dirty Mexicano
Jun 13, 2007
Houston, TX
my handlebars went into my chest :-[ it hurts to breathe heavy and my wrist hurts. also, my glasses broke in half but i krazy glued them back together
Looks painful. I've bruised my ribs before, it sucked. Is this going to be a thread for posting pics of injuries? If so this one was nice and painful...

you could make it the most fucked up injuries post, who would have the most f*cked up injuries and be voted on.

FailingAcension: that's the most F*CKED up pic of the day...:kickass:
Heh, I just rolled an ATV yesterday - my entire body is in pain (to give you a hint of how forceful the fall was, it was off a nice big drop that was actually able to rip my helmet straight off my face as it wrestled with me.

It's surprising how little you feel the 400 lbs crush your spine when you have no idea what's going on :lol:

thankfully though, I appear to have little to no long term damage. I did sprain my thumb though, and I'm pretty sure I didn't break any ribs (they hurt like a bitch though...my entire back is in pain).

No pics though, I don't have a camera - sorry :erk:
Last summer sometime I was bench pressing my max weight, and while lowering came down to hard and bruised my ribs. All the muscles around my ribs inflamed and I could not breathe the next day. I thought I was dying. The Dr. gave me an anti-inflammatory and in a day I was breathing good again. Still a little sore, but...

How did you do that FailingAcension?!
I was running out a door with one of those push bars made of hard plastic that was broken. It came to a point so when I hit it, it scratched a cut for a little until it dug in and ripped up that nifty little triangle flap.

Nice pics, Pheonix. Reminds me of when my grandad cut his finger off with a tractor a couple years ago.
The neat stichwork

The fucked up stitchwork XD Excuse the gruesome dirtiness of my hand, not to mention my poor camera :lol:


Is that it ya big cry baby...:cry:


my older brother lost his, that was by a bandsaw back in the 80's

He has a new scar now three weeks ago some woman went through a stop sign and He smashed his Harley into her car snapping his leg just above the ankle I do have a pic, but because of my computer thickness I can't put it up for show...:puke: now that's F*CKED UP....:lol: