Our history is not what we think!

is the video aimed at little kids or something? whats with the baby talk, stupid text like "i love you guys", anime-like expressions and shit :err: Disturbing..
of course the narrator DOES speak like this is all FACT but he clearly says that this are basically IDEAS to discuss and think about! ;)
i think he does it or the purpose of better understanding, to me it was just easier to "follow" this way.

sure, the video contains some weird stuff and it's definitively not meant to be absolutely serious
it just points out a few things that make perfect sense to me :D

from the description:

Before you dislike this video. Please read the full description!

Spirit Science 12 - The Human History Movie

Over the past few thousand years, we have warped our own history.
Our versions of the past has been mistranslated, changed, altered,
and skewed to fit our understanding of reality, and completely left out
many things that we cannot explain. Today, we are going to look at an
alternate version of our history, a version that was recorded across many
ancient tablets and artifacts throughout time, which have only recently been uncovered.

This story may be a little cosmic, it may not even be true, but you will have to decide that for yourself.

Join in the conversation, it's much more fun to talk about than what everyone else is talking about ;)

Based on the work of Drunvalo Melchizidek in the Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life.

Made with Love by many, many beautiful people in the credits of the movie. Enjoy everyone! We love you!

"Recorded across many ancient tablets and artifacts"

That is where relies the problem. It's not because you find strange artifacts and paintings that it necessarily accounts for 6D humans and Atlantid explanations. For what it's worth, the work of an historian/archeologist is also to determine if what he found was not made by someone crazy or high as fuck, or with a lof of imagination. It is not because someone wrote a text, that it is true. If people from the future found some things I wrote as an adolescent, and took it first degree, they would have trouble ! People recorded their belief, as well, and a belief is hardly a fact, so if people were convicted 2000 years ago the Atlantid was here and was like that, they would have written it, and today's crazy people would say "look at this painting, it's about the atlantid placed there and blablabla, it's a PROOOOOF it exists!". Also, no one has placed the atlantid in the pacific since no one knows where it would be for sure yet, if it were a true story. To me it sounds more like illuminated people who are trying to show their own version, by the mean of saying "hey, it's just one theory, we don't say it's true" to make it consensual and to protect from criticism ("hey, no one said it is true") and trying to put themselves on the sides of "people who are reasonable" while in fact the video is 2mn about "history may not be correct because we have no clue of most things", but is 58 mn about "yeah look it's obvious this is a proof the pyramids were aligned in a spiral, while people were building a protection in space around earth by the power of their 6D mind. Now let's look about cosmic-spiritual-energy making patterns on mars" while not a single time a proof if given, nor any type of decent explanation, that would suggest history as we know it is not the most correct one.

From this kind of people, everything seems to be a conspiracy, while in fact, the absolute entire community of historians will be CELEBRATING if someone could found the Atlantid for sure, I mean isn't it obvious ? But those who work in it do research a reasonable and procedural way, and part of it (ultimately, ALL of it) is to find a proof that their theory is true, and drawing a spiral and aligning 3 pyramids is hardly a proof (I can align them in a S shape or put them in a Star shape if you want) which illuminated people don't comprehend, and think they know more than actual researcher who pass for consensual close-minded people to their eyes, which is kinda ironic from their part.
I just watched a few minutes more and at some point he shows a picture of the earth and points at the atmosphere from an angle and says "see the blueish line around earth ? That's our protection grid".

While it's simply the atmosphere and its blue color since seen from the side relatively to the light source, the sun.

This is tiring !

Oh btw, Soultrash, I should mention that my reaction wasn't aimed at you, and probably sounded angrier than I intended it to be. That's just the result of getting stuff forced down your throat for years. No hard feelings to you personally ofcourse.

I agree with Lesedna's post on many points, since those have been my observations as well. While it's interesting to think about alternative solutions to problems, or ask question about the validity of what we know, I think there is a certain set of rules that should be followed to keep the discussion fair, because they have turned out to be effective over the ages. Think about knowledge of basic logical fallacies, scientific method, rules of proper discussion, that sort of thing.

In my experience, many people that actively push theories like the one in the video usually fully ignore all those things when it comes to their own hypotheses, yet (often wrongly so) use them to discredit the opposition. And in worse cases, when you can actually prove someone wrong, they ignore it or resort to defensive behavior, instead of rethinking and improving upon their theories. That's just not scientific, and imo doesn't serve any purpose, except for feeding some kind of personal complex.

I fully agree that there are a LOT of things we don't know yet, and tons of things that we hold true will probably turn out to be wrong at some point in the future. Which is great! It gives us something to strive for.
I also think it is fantastic that people can let go of what they think they know for a second, and let the brain run its course. After all, that's how some of the great discoveries and inventions have been made.
But I also think that if someone wants to play with the big boys, they should learn to play by the same rules and beat them on their own turf, if they really want to be taken seriously.
...I thought at the beginning the video was about History and how to think out of the box, think about all the information we lost, which would have been actually interesting, but starting from 3:30... Wow

This. I thought it would, at the very least, be interesting or entertaining to listen to. But as soon as "shockras" (I have no idea how that's spelled and couldn't care less) and the "spiritual spine of earth" was mentioned...I just had to do a face palm and stop.
"There was a time, long ago, when humans existed at a high level of consciousness. We were interdimensional and we were very psychic"

After that, I quited.
9:55. As soon as I heard "the Martians severed the love bond and became purely male," I said fuck it.

Holy shit. I just have to think that this video is an awesome attempt at trolling, because there can't seriously be anyone who actually believes this shit, right?
I actually found it entertaining, but of course I call BS on most. I actually loled with the alien jews. You have to give them credit though for the way the managed to connect all these theories to each other.
Is this about Nibiru and the Annunaki?? Or that man was created from alien beings in order for us to be their slave race? and they taught us agriculture, weaponry, and other useful tools? I've so many of these.
I commented this on that video:

"I like to consider myself open minded; I closely follow scientific research, I watch tons of documentaries, i dabble in zen Buddhism, psychedelics, multi-verse/m-theory and i constantly think about philosophy, so i've done a lot of thought on both traditional and non-traditional scientific/mythical/spiritual ideas.

And i have to say; 99% of this shit is utterly hilarious nonsense. Whoever came up with this shit has a wild imagination! The sphinx is 5.5 million years old.. Hahahaha!"

It got deleted 5 minutes after and I got blocked by the creator. LMAO
I thought it was kinda interesting to watch. I don't believe any of it, but it was fairly interesting and kept me entertained for a while. I think it's good to expose yourself to different views and whatnot, even if they don't make much sense.