Matt Crooks said:
Indeed, but these days I seem to fall asleep before I can find an ice machine. Maybe this year I'll just use C-Lo's bed - he'll wake up and think he did it in his sleep :loco:

no...c-lo will just wake up and wonder who he did in his sleep ;)

oh man am i gonna get hit!

coldie....just call me crash
Hail - wanted to see if you had done any work on the rest of your traveloge/itenerary. I talked to my partner in crime who will be coming down from MD for the fest and he had some creative costuming ideas for the Great Annual ProgPower Hotel Luggage Cart Chariot Races - so God help you if I can come up with any of this stuff - no one will be able to defeat me in my ManOwar codpiece and viking helmet (and of course a toga - being a chariot race and all).

You've had enuff time slacking off - where's the rest of this comedic gem? :):rock:
