our little angel is a superstar

:D :tickled: :) :D :tickled: :p


I need a cold shower and a strong drink.

Hopefully this series is released on dvd one day so we in America can watch too. I think the Israeli version will be better. ;)
first I with draw, what I said about her, sorry she isn't bad, but the bad thing is what she is doing.

about this

I dont think you would like the united states...
no, I can excuse U.S. cause it's not a country built on relegion basment , not like Israel, you see what I mean ?

Israel was built to be a Jews' country, they gathered to unite, they came all over the world and whay brought them is there beliefe.
so I find it really strange and disgusting to find acts like this in a relegious country and over the Holy Land that we all now how blessed it is, right ??

and Oded thanks for reminding about the first fact, and I hadn't the chance to say to you : welcome back ..... so

welcome back
Obay: israel is a country built by the jewish people. its the only place in the world that unique for the jewish people, and was made for the jewish people on the area which was their old homeland eversince. so far you`re right!

But this is a free country! we have democracy (or somethinglike that :p ) and everyone can do anything freely as long as its not outlaw, you see?

Religious jews dont harm us and secular jews dont hurt them. There is no theocracy in israel and no occupation of culture. If your point of view is religious and moral - then its a different story. Every one is free to get close to religion when ever he feels like, but forcing religion on the people is the begining or that religion`s devastation, in my opinion.
Hum- I did not want to say anything before, but I agree with Obay. She does not dress up like that for the pics alone- she is like that as a person.
I do not think that she is the right woman to represent women in metal- it is hard to get respect from men in the scene as it is, without people going round dressing like this.
And now she's gonna be on television- people who do not know about the metalscene will see all of their opinions on women in metal confirmed :erk:

-now there's gonna be a nice discussion I think, but I had to express how I feel, cause I feel strongly about the subject-
I agree with everyword, but thats in a way the price of freedom
I wish people would concieder freedom as the right to free themselves from cheap passions like the above or that sort of shallowness.
Obay, no hard feelings, my friend. My words were too harsh.
If my arm could stretch 6000 miles I'd shake your hand right now. :tickled: Thanks for welcoming me back!
Morticia, don't worry, we realize that there are women in the metal world who are just as sincere and passionate about the music as any man.
I don't know Angell personally, but I think some people here like her as a person, so I cannot comment about her beyond her pictures.
But hey, beauty is never a bad thing, in my opinion.
Can you honestly tell me that if you see guys on stage or in the crowd that you think are attractive, that it's a bad thing?
It is simply human nature. Everyone is welcome at a metal gig. Unless, of course, they are a member of Stryper. :tickled:
You are funny!!! I laughed when I read your post.
I think I'm gonna ask to havethe shirt on loan- makes a great costume for Halloween!!!
My friends will not believe what they see, especially if I manage to get the matching hairdo. Mind you- that means that no one will be allowed to smoke within 10 feet from where I am standing. It's a fire hazard from all the hairspray....
That shirt still exists! You are most welcome to it, on one condition- never give it back! :tickled:
Speaking of hairspray, when the ozone finally collapses and it's 3000 degrees C.
every day, we'll know who to blame! You, Cinderella, and Dokken! :tickled: :Spin: :D :dopey: