Our MADFEST Poster


Old as Yoda
Jan 11, 2005
Yeah, there will be. This is just the first draft, the venue and ticket prices will be in the white area, i think. I am not the one doing the poster, Bryan is and to be honest I love what he has come up with, and can't wait for the final so i can get it printed and start distributing them.
Yeah, there will be. This is just the first draft, the venue and ticket prices will be in the white area, i think. I am not the one doing the poster, Bryan is and to be honest I love what he has come up with, and can't wait for the final so i can get it printed and start distributing them.

Just checking. I'm always full of questions....or full of "something" anyway. LOL

Bryan has a better Outworld logo. It's transparent, so it doesn't have the background in it. We should use it instead. The Flag-emblazoned Texas in the background is awesome! I love it!
Yeah, I agree the poster kicks ass, but I think the dates are a little hard to read at the top (even though I personally like the effect on the stencil font.)

Everyone's a damn critic, right? (Or maybe it's just me) Ha!
sweet! Is this the first time a price has been announced? I was discussing about coming yesterday and he asked how much? I had to respond I have no idea probably about 20-40 for both days. Guess I was right!!

HEY GUYS do you have this logo available yet for clipping and pasting ?

Would like to spread the word via myspace and on our page :kickass:

that reminds me, Deron, do you have one for PROG-POWER as well?
I want to get that on the Nightmare site and others !

I can get Bryan to send it to you in code form my friend.