Our MADFEST Poster


HEY GUYS do you have this logo available yet for clipping and pasting ?

Would like to spread the word via myspace and on our page :kickass:

that reminds me, Deron, do you have one for PROG-POWER as well?
I want to get that on the Nightmare site and others !

Do you mean the Texas Madfest logo? Or the whole poster? I have sent the fully corrected and updated poster back to John this morning, so he'll be putting it up soon enough. We'll also try to host the full-detail poster which is 4mb and 7.5x10 at 300dpi, so y'all can print it in full color and detail or B&W to start splattering everywhere you go. I know, up here in Detroit it's a bit pointless to go hang it up at Guitarded Center, but down there in Houston you locals will be able to spam this shit worse than porno websites! I can't remember the price, but my Kinko's was able to print stuff in color HUUUGE, and even on 11x17 paper, this banner is superhuge and eye-catching, so a good-quality copy machine should be able to get you badass results.

If you need just the TMF logo from the top, it's in the pictures section of the Myspace page, but I can make a transparent gif or jpg and throw it up on Imageshack so you guys can link like crazy.

I'll also try to make a little banner for y'all to tag at the bottom of your signatures on forums and message boards and Myspace. Lemme work on that after lunch. Cuz my tummy has declared its intents to wage war if I don't appease its demands.
Here's two quickies of the official logo.

Transparent gif:

Normal jpg: