Our new album!

Sounds good through myspace... I like the vocals, you singer has a cool scream. You should put a higher quality player on your page.
What??? 5150 on bass? I'd thought about it, but haven't tried it. Could you expand on the bass chain? IE: instrument, pups, DI, 5150 settings


Yep, I was as surprised as you are when the producer hit us with the idea :D But I think it works really well. Of course the bass sound isn't all 5150, I think there are 2 bass tracks, 5150 and DI.

I can't remember the settings, but it really doesn't matter because the bass is so low. All that matters is that there is enough distortion (you can mix it later with the DI) and it's pretty bright!

E: The instrument was a cheap 5 string Ibanez bass with active pickups.