Outlook: Help!!!


Pro Evolution Fucker
Apr 18, 2006
Basque Country
WTF? :erk:
After several years working my accounts under Outlook suddenly it doesn't work. Since last monday, I can't sens emails. I did nothing different.

I can receive emails to all of my 6 accounts, but I can't send from any of them. Accounts have different smtp so the problem is not the servers, but something in the Outlook works bad. I do not want to reinstall it because I'm afraid of losing emails and adresses.

MS Outlook Professional 2003.

Error. 0x80042109
From that page

I found this on another forum, it worked for me as well:
Change smtp port to 465, enable SSL. Then when you reconnect, accept the Cert., and re-authenticate (you may have to temporarily disable password-saves until you are re-prompted).
I did this successfully on both Thunderbird and Outlook clients.
I am sure the helpdesk tech had no idea, but it boils down to lying when they claim they made no changes or have no server issues & then blame your software (technically it is a software config issue - but it's not our fault if they don't tell us what they are doing to change it!).
If you can receive all of them but not send, have you tried changing your outbound SMTPs server to the one your ISP uses? I know you mentioned they use different SMTP and that's what makes me bring this up - many ISPs won't accept connections from outside of their network in an effort to stop spamming. Try just using the SMTP server your ISP provides and see if that helps any. You can also try checking off the "my server requires authentication" box in Outlook and see if that helps as well, this way the different SMTP servers you use will ask you to prove that your account is legit.

If neither of those works, see if you can change your SMTP port to 587 in Outlook and give that a whirl. Some ISPs randomly stop allowing SMTP on port 25 (standard) if you're not using their own servers (Verizon's done this in the past to their DSL users).

Good luck!
I usually had problems like this when updating the firmware of my DSL Router... Obviously Outlook is unable to connect your smtp server. So maybe the connection (or port) is just blocked by either software- or hardware firewall.