Overhead question


Dec 1, 2005
I've noticed that I really like albums that have almost those transparent cymbals and hi hats. Now is this more on the mics, preamps, or room? And if it is achieved through the mics or preamps, could anyone recommend a few for me to check out?
It comes from the cymbales, mics, pres, and also the room.

If you want something brilliant, you can try to track the drums in a big live room.
Try some small capsule condensers : Josephson C42 as OHs will give you the kind of sound you want, or if you want something cheaper, SM81s work great. Large capsule condensers will give you more low end, try a pair of Brauner Phantom C or Soundelux U195 (prefer FET mics).
The pre depends a lot on the mics you use. Using a tube pre/Neve or API colored-pre/vintage colored pre with brilliant sounding mics can give a great result : If you are into high-end gear, try API 512, Neve Portico, Mindprint Dual Tube Channel, Chandler TG2, Neve 1073... I heard the Millenia works great but it's very transparent so maybe it could lack of warmth with those mics.
You have to try, it all depends on multiple factors.