Aussi guys, need your help


HCAF crusher
Jul 2, 2006
Hey HAck, Moonlapse, Padaobi and co...

I'll be producing an australian Band somewhen in the last 4 month of 2009.
Since the budget will be rather small I'm looking for an affordable (but still good quality) solution to track Drums in Oz...perfect would be around Brisbane are...I do know that all you guys are based around melbourne, but perhaps you could help me out anyway?

what I'm looking for is a studio with a decent sounding room, non-crappy preamps, decentg mics....due to the limited budget it doesn't have to be a major SSL studio though, I coul bring some mics, preamps, converters as well if necessairy.
Sorry man, I'm unaware of any facilities around Brisbane. It's hard enough to find an affordable facility with decent gear and rooms here in Melbourne. Best of luck with it.

PS. Their budget is limited, but they're flying you out here? :)
yeah, it's cheaper for themto fly me to Oz and rent a studio then to fly all of them to Germany.
thanks for the Link, I'll take a look at those.
If there isn't anything around Brisbane we'll probably travel to melbourne...
If you come down to Melb we could catch up and shoot the shit. Get some a/b shoot-outs going in the studio while the band are out at lunch :lol:

Good luck finding something around Brisbane. I don't know of anything, but there have to be some studios down there. Worst case scenario, the band could always swing by Melbourne, record with me, then send the tracks off for you to mix/master :p
You'll be able to live it up large in Oz Lasse - the Euro will get you 2:1 at the moment!

Loving it as I'm moving back there in March or April....
yeah, actually thinking about buying another ESP there, cause you guys get the japanese/lawsuit versions over there that aren't sold in europe

Hahaha lawsuit version. Anyhoo, the main ESP dealer in Oz is called bmusic:

Guitar porn award goes to the Kiko Loureiro (Angra) SE Custom Shop (don't look at the price):
...and some guy's closeup of the flame top:
Apparently, there's an Edwards version of it which is nearly $8000 cheaper, check it out:
For the last project I worked on, we recorded drums at Psi Fi studios, here in Brisbane, though their website seems to have gone down; it was never all that good. They have decent hardware, decent mics and a decent room; if you like, I can PM you the phone number of the guy who runs it. Black Box Studios also produce some nice sounding work. The main bricks-and-mortar ESP dealer in Brisbane is called Ellaways.
Ive heard good things about Oasis Recording Studios at the Gold Coast about an hour south of Brisbane.
Great equipment they have there. Would be something to look into.
Whos the band you are recording?