
Power Metal Maniac
Jul 8, 2005
Dixieland USA
When's their latest CD due out and when are they playing ATL again? Also your favorite O'Kill albums and songs. Thanks!
Immortalis is out already. I think they skipped ATL on their last tour, but they need to get back soon. I don't have all of their albums, but my favorite that I own is Feel the Fire.

their latest release -Immortalis- came out the week of ProgPower, and the closest they've played ATL in about 7 or 8 years has been the Muse in Nashville, TN this past Oct 10th. They're done with touring for this year I think. But I've got my eye on them for the next time they come through the south. We'll get them to play ATL by hook or by crook. :heh:

as a footnote - if you'd have made it out to the Halloween show at Sidelines on Oct 27th, you could have seen Halcyon Way playing the song ELIMINATION! :kickass:

see, that's what happens when people miss these shows. heh heh.

their latest release -Immortalis- came out the week of ProgPower, and the closest they've played ATL in about 7 or 8 years has been the Muse in Nashville, TN this past Oct 10th. They're done with touring for this year I think. But I've got my eye on them for the next time they come through the south. We'll get them to play ATL by hook or by crook. :heh:

as a footnote - if you'd have made it out to the Halloween show at Sidelines on Oct 27th, you could have seen Halcyon Way playing the song ELIMINATION! :kickass:

see, that's what happens when people miss these shows. heh heh.
:worship: Please have them play that song again sometime! LMK when the next HW show is, at any rate.:headbang:
My favorite thrash metal band. Immortalis is going to be very high on my best-of-07. It's too early to rank it amongst my favorites of their catalog, but it's definitely a step up from Reflexiv.

Favorite albums:
The Years of Decay
From the Underground and Below
Feel the Fire

They kill it live, if I can get away with that kind of pun.

Horrorscope is easily my favorite album by Blitz & Co.

I saw them back in '92 in Ithaca, NY at a bar that was not much bigger than my living room. Last saw them early in '06 as they played a small club not far from me here in N.C.
One of my long time favorites. I saw them 5 or 6 times from I Hear Black up til From the Underground and Below.

Faves include Horrorscope, Killing Kind, WFO and I Hear Black (different, but good.)
One of my long time favorites. I saw them 5 or 6 times from I Hear Black up til From the Underground and Below.

Faves include Horrorscope, Killing Kind, WFO and I Hear Black (different, but good.)
I really love the IHB CD! 10/10. A bit different for them, but still amazingly good. Their first 3 0r 4 albums-a.k.a. the 80s catalog, are still easily their best, to my ears.:worship:rock::kickass: I've been a diehard Overkill-er for nearly 20 years now: from '88 up through the present.:headbang:
I Hear Black - The Roxy (1993)
WFO - The Masquearde
Wrecking Your Neck Tour - The Point (small bar in Little Five Points)
The Killing Kind - The Masquerade
From The Underground and Below - The Masquerade
back in 86 i saw them in Cullman, AL their manager lived there and they stopped in for a July 4th barbecue. needless to say, they WERENT supposed to play but word spread that they were there and people showed up. they unpacked their gear and proceeded to play a Sabbath cover set. Except Blitz was 'blitzed' and kept singing songs other than what the band was playing. Years later on the 'From the Underground and Below' i asked him if he remembered that ill-fated Sabbath show. Bobby looked at me and said, in Blitzes raspy voice...'keep it under yer hat man, under yer hat.'
back in 86 i saw them in Cullman, AL their manager lived there and they stopped in for a July 4th barbecue. needless to say, they WERENT supposed to play but word spread that they were there and people showed up. they unpacked their gear and proceeded to play a Sabbath cover set. Except Blitz was 'blitzed' and kept singing songs other than what the band was playing. Years later on the 'From the Underground and Below' i asked him if he remembered that ill-fated Sabbath show. Bobby looked at me and said, in Blitzes raspy voice...'keep it under yer hat man, under yer hat.'
OK, so who's seen Overkill play live before and when/where?
Easily seen them so many times, I forgot to count. Being from NJ, the play here a lot. Most memorable is last Jan. in NYC. (only 'cause it's recent lol) Excellent show. Also when Sonata Arctica warmed-up for the at B.B. Kings in NYC like 2 years ago, maybe? Bad mix. As the Overkill fans started coming in, they began dissing SA and their fans, who were totally into it, by that point. The tension was palpable. Overkill has done that a number of times - had non-thrash bands warm-up. Who was it this time? Someone like Epica or something, I forget. I just don't understand why they do that. Makes it real tough on the w.u. band. I believe they're touring Europe with Motorhead now. That's a better choice.
OK, so who's seen Overkill play live before and when/where?

Oh, boy... I dunno... a few times. :) I've seen them at the Masquerade at least 3 times IIRC. Once for WFO for sure, not sure about the other times, but it's been a good long while. It seems like I've seen them at another venue at some point, too, but again, it's been a long time. I'd have to go look through all my old tickets and pictures.

And I got to see Halcyon Way do Elimination... loved it! :) 'Course I was right up front headbanging away... bet that was a sight. lol
