Own Pictures Thread

Dimmu basically started melodic black metal. If it wasn't for them almost every BM band would sound repetetive and boring, like Darkthrone.
I don't call Dimmu black metal, but I do like them... too many people jump on the 'AMG DIMMU SAWKS BAWS!' bandwagon. If you truly don't like them, that's cool but that doesn't mean they're not good :lol:
shame this is blurred :(:(:(

and a mega-close-up :lol:
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I don't call Dimmu black metal, but I do like them... too many people jump on the 'AMG DIMMU SAWKS BAWS!' bandwagon. If you truly don't like them, that's cool but that doesn't mean they're not good :lol:

There is no Bandwagon for Dimmu Borgir, there is a commen sence bandwagon, and most people jump on that and tend to agree that DB sucks.


I love it how no one ever explains why "<insert band here> SUCKS BAWLS LOLOLOLOLOL I ARE TEH TR()() LEETAR"

Stormblast was a brilliant album.