Own Pictures Thread


ready for some real crazy party, lool. me on my way getting reeeeeeeeeal fucking drunk, fuck that night was so terrible :D


and another me


I always need to play all guitars they got in the musicstore :D
I'm sorry dear friend, let me translate you:

Bodomic: What a fat bastard he is!
Ralf: You mean that english prick? :loco:
Literally it means "whore" but it is used in similar way as finnish perkele or english fuck. Mostly as an exclamation but it has multiple uses.
@ ralf: kurwa ja pierdole ale beka z tym grubasem z UK :) tak, chodzi mi o te lekcje religji :) btw, jestes moze na gronie? :p

we talked something else, I have nothing to be affraid off, do I? If I want to say something to some ass from abroad, I just simply do it :) Your jokes dont make me laught, but your presence here does :D

I must add that 'kurwa' is also like a simple fullstop or coma :)

I see my name there. Either...there's another Beka here on the board... ot... Beka means something in your language?

I don't know if I've ever talked to you...I barely ever post here, but...I'm curious now.

It most definetely has nothing to do with me...but... I wanna know now.