Own Pictures Thread

I'm 18, and i'm letting it grow down my back, kinda like where Anslemo had his hair.
^ is that an F-250 ?

Hell yeah ! ESP all the way !!

^cool that you play CoB, but one question (to all):

Is there anybody in here who has longer hair than shoulderlength? Or who is older than 17? I don't wanna be a dick, but I'm feeling alone in a way :lol:


Well those pics are kinda old, my hair had grown much more !

This is a pic of my band's first show (A little underground show, but it was pretty neat XD), and my hair has grown since the last pitures.

I want you to be my model for photography!

Near from the breast are damn SExy :D

i'd say a little bit more on the top and a little bit more on the bottom ;)
anyway its cool :)

He meant that the picture isn't showing enough of her pretty face nor her sexy breasts. Get it?

Hahaha ! You are so nice guys !:D
All of you !
A hug to each one quoted here ! :)

you are all so sweet ! :blush:
^cool that you play CoB, but one question (to all):

Is there anybody in here who has longer hair than shoulderlength? Or who is older than 17? I don't wanna be a dick, but I'm feeling alone in a way :lol:


I am 18 with hair down to my ass...but I am female so I don't think I count.:Smug:

Fetzer: The Revolution:lol: