Own Pictures Thread

(Ghost) You're just jealous because you want to look that good wearing a corset and skirt.

I'm glad that you find the way I look so funny. I guess you are maybe trying to get me to cry again right? Not that I cried in the first place.
(Ghost) You're just jealous because you want to look that good wearing a corset and skirt.

I'm glad that you find the way I look so funny. I guess you are maybe trying to get me to cry again right? Not that I cried in the first place.
:( I was laughing at your facial expression... you look like, he forced you to wear it and you're unhappy :p

Why would I want to make you cry?
It was in reference to you saying that I cried when your girlfriend called me ugly. Sorry for taing it that way but it was a pretty ambiguous post.
I had to force Ryan to take pictures actually.
You look a lot younger than you are. :lol: Maybe he didn't want to be chagred with pedophilia :p
I see you edited your post to make a joke. :D
It sucks when I get kicked out of Pubs...and when I'm unable to play the parts I want to in Drama.

You look really disappointed in that pic Kayos!! Your new corset really suits you, though! :D
That's just my normal face. :lol:
Thank you.

@Kayos: You remind me of a girl in class.
Is that a good or bad thing?