Own Pictures Thread


second one from the left is me, the others are friends of mine :)

oh btw, it was at an ensiferum gig:cool: :headbang:

aw, this pictures is awesome in my opinion, cuz you're all so unceremonious and I got some nice feeling when I look at it;)
Some camera phone pics of my leather jackets hooked up by a friend


and now here are 8 pics from my phone of Montreal. most of the time i was to drunk to even hold my phone so i didnt take many.
Our room, we went to Montreal to watch TV

Decarie Blvd, outside of the hotel midtown. the Kosher part of town. oy vey

I don't know but the building in the back looked important so i took a picture. This is on the way to the metro station.

Good 'ole Plamodon, fine memories of thee.

What can i say, its like riding a bus..underground..with a drunk bus driver..FUN

Englishman in an Irish pub, forgot his and the bars name. Nice place though!

Shit shot of the Madhatter, HOT .. i repeat HOT HOT HOT bartenders. Those girls were fucking hot man if my shit didn't get stolen there i would have taken one home.

Me and Alex got stopped on the sidewalk by some strip club owner and we got sex coupons. my friend went in for the 20 minutes i saved my 60 bucks and bought rounds for girls my own age :) went much farther. cool souvenir though, my dad got a kick out of it.

there you go, you better comment you bastards.

Where's the Empire State, the Chrysler Building and the Grand Central Terminal ????