Own Pictures Thread

You said you're the one on the right. To us, you're on the left. You probably confused most people.

no no no. it was kind of an inside joke between me and Enjoi. we said it'd be funny if i posted that pic and told everyone i'm the one on right (meaning the transvestite looking-thing, who happens to be my guy friend Ernie) cuz we thought all the guys would still fall for it and be like "AMG!! Hawt!" to the tranny :p anyway, the joke failed but Eli was the only one who saw through it.
no no no. it was kind of an inside joke between me and Enjoi. we said it'd be funny if i posted that pic and told everyone i'm the one on right (meaning the transvestite looking-thing, who happens to be my guy friend Ernie) cuz we thought all the guys would still fall for it and be like "AMG!! Hawt!" to the tranny :p anyway, the joke failed but Eli was the only one who saw through it.
hah I thought you meant to the right as from your perspecitve because I saw the bed of razros thing.
yeah, i forgot that you all saw that video :erk:

don't be that hard on yourself jeez you are always like oh yea you saw that:erk: , its ok I mean everybody starts somehwere, and you should be proud of that video too cause I bet you were a lot better then, then you were when you started. I know it may be intimidating with many fantastic guitar players around but you just have to be comforatable with your playing skills.
no no no. it was kind of an inside joke between me and Enjoi. we said it'd be funny if i posted that pic and told everyone i'm the one on right (meaning the transvestite looking-thing, who happens to be my guy friend Ernie) cuz we thought all the guys would still fall for it and be like "AMG!! Hawt!" to the tranny :p anyway, the joke failed but Eli was the only one who saw through it.

Ohh. :lol:

Well the guy does look like a chick with that mask on. :lol:
for all those people who haven't seen my ugly face on a pic yet, i made one..;)
more by request :lol: