Own Pictures Thread

i think straight hair has become really boring. everyone fuckin straightens their hair these days (even guys). your beauty comes out more with your natural hair imo.
Oops, I'm writing a supermegapost but.... well, I saw many pics that I lost and cuz I like them.... let's quote them all and comment! :)

It's nice to see you post a pic, Leena... nice one. :)

Tried to do a "300" effect on an old photo, I think it worked pretty well, but still needs some work :p
You did a good job, Arsham... the effect is really well done! :)

omg crappy webcam pictures

Hey, finally new piccies! Leandro is a cuuutie again (take pics more often :D ...:p)!! :)

Need some opinions...
Should I leave my hair natural for a while,


Or straighten it for a few months?

I know its more fun to headbang and shit with straight hair.. but I like my curls :( so i dunno what to do for the summer.
Well, I do think you look good with both straight or curly hair, but considering your features I think your natural hair suits you better... and I agree with Cris, Arsham and Mystique: your natural hair really looks amazing, believe me. :)
i think you should grow a beard, wear plaid, and carry a battle axe wherever you go!

I remember somthing like that yes, and it was people who post the SAME pictures. same angle, same web cam, same everything. Only difference would be different shirt (maybe). It doesn't irritate me, I just dont....get it...again :p.

Back to Dancing! :danceboy:

Okay :D <3

@moonxplosion: Curly hair FTW!!! :kickass:
Thank you everyone for your opinions and compliments :D Its nice to be told things like that once in a while..

Ricky: Thanks for giving me my next Halloween costume! But I think I'm gonna turn it into a lumberjack instead. Lumberjacks are metal!

Alexis: Awwww I can't decide if you're a sweetheart or a suckup, you nerd :p