Own Pictures Thread

Your beard is KINDA like mine, and the reason why I shave it is because it's literally multicoloured.


(AN old, bad, ugly pic)

You didn't remove the tags from the suit man, look at your right wrist :lol:, the next time use a pony tail :p

That tag was sposed to be there but even if I returned it the next day so eat it! And fuck that, I am metal, so even in formal attire I keep shits REAL! And it's actually my left wrist the left side of that image is mirrored!
iii.... c'est pas a cause que tu poses une question a une fille que tu veux sortir avec, j'ai deja ma blonde depuis longtemps, sa veux pas dire que j'peux pas trouvé quelqu'une d'autre cute.

tsé si ta un char, tu peux quand meme checké les autres chars dans les magasines pareil tsé :Smug:

j'trouve juste ca étrange qu'a soie seule, ya du monde qui sont vraiement laid pi sont en couple :p


that's not because I am maybe attractive that I absolutely have a boyfriend...Several guys want to meet me and all, I accepted to some of them because it's nice to know new people... Now, I love one of my friends...and I know him since 3 years..He loves me too but it's too complicated to explain this here.. And I'm okay single..Anyway thanks for the compliment
^ You just ruined my last reason to live :cry:

french doesn't have 200 lbs kids and stupid george bush.
God.. That's the kind of people who make worldwide citizens defititely hate France & French people. Sometimes I understand you, Heartless
and more importantly..... french music > usa music.

I DON'T THINK SO, retarded. I hate my country for its music. (And many others things)
ta rien a faire d'autre dans vie que de m'ostiné calisse d'innocent? an cé vrai t'écoute du children of bodom, pour ca que t'es stupide :p
As a French person, I can concluate that THIS GUY HAS ABSOLUTELY NO EDUCATION, he fails even in his native tongue.
The difference is that French is actually alot harder to learn as a second language as opposed to english (which is easy as fuck).
Agreed, learning French is a nightmare compaired to English.
My last name is gagnon, my dad is french
meh, at least french didn't got owned by terrorist
It's gonna happend before the end of the year, after Algeria.
Yeah, Megadeth's new album photosession !
Yes, Wordless Hope is a great CD!
"j'ai deja ma blonde depuis longtemps"
j'trouve juste ca étrange qu'a soie seule, ya du monde qui sont vraiement laid pi sont en couple :p
The greatest self-pwnage ever.

Sorry for this fuck*n post, but it rains out there and I don't wanna work.